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12 Best Restaurant Facebook Marketing Strategies & Ideas


Getting the most out of your restaurant’s Facebook page is neither hard nor complicated. In this article, we’re going to go through the best marketing strategies & ideas aimed at developing Facebook for restaurants.

1. Create a Business Facebook Page to Reach Potential Customers

facebook marketing for restaurants: building a business page

A Facebook Business Page is a public profile specifically created for businesses, brands, celebrities, causes, and other organizations on Facebook. Unlike personal profiles, Business Pages are designed to help businesses connect with customers and achieve their marketing goals. 

If you haven’t already, set up a Facebook Business Page for your restaurant. This is essential for branding and for your customers to find you easily. This is how you do it:

Create the Page:

  • Log in to your personal Facebook account. Note that your personal information won’t be publicly visible on your Business Page.
  • Go to Create a Page on Facebook.
  • Choose the category that best fits your business: Business/Brand or Community/Public Figure.

Enter Basic Information:

  • Provide your business name and category.
  • Fill in a brief description of your business.
  • Fill in your business details by navigating to the ‘About’ section of your Page. Include your business address, phone number, website, hours of operation, and any other relevant information.

Customize Your Page:

  • Add additional information that relates to your business. You can add a menu, list services, or even create custom tabs.
  • Upload Profile and Cover Photos

Invite Your Audience:

  • Start by inviting friends and family to like your Page.
  • Use other channels like your website, email, or signage in your business location to encourage customers to like your Facebook Page.

2. Set Up Restaurant Analytics to Track Results

facebook marketing for restaurants: restaurant analytics

Facebook gives you all the tools you need to track your social media results. However, your reach and likes alone are not enough to make your marketing successful. The entire goal of marketing is to bring you more sales.

That’s why you do need to set up your restaurant analytics software and track how your sales and orders perform in response to your Facebook posts. That way, you can understand how your social media marketing efforts translate into actual sales.

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A social media strategy helps you:
  • Understand your audience
  • Set realistic and calculated goals
  • Conduct campaigns in line with your goals and budget
  • Effectively use social media analytics
  • Evaluate your competitors and beat them
  • Adjust your content and evolve

3. Add Menu and Contact Information To Make Things Easier for Facebook Users

facebook marketing for restaurants: adding a menu on facebook

Filling out all the necessary details, such as your restaurant’s address or opening and closing hours, will help your customers reach your place. The last thing you want is for your target customers to be confused as to when and where they should go. Keep everything clean and simple.

Remember to also add a menu to your restaurant’s Facebook page. Keep your menu and contact information up to date.

Here’s how to add a Facebook restaurant menu:
  • Locate the Page: Log into Your Facebook Account and navigate to your restaurant’s Facebook Page.
  • Ensure Page Category is Correct: Your Page should be categorized as “Restaurant/Cafe” to enable the menu feature. If not, change it in the “Edit Page Info” section.
  • Locate the Menu Section: Go to the “About” section of your Page and find the option to add a menu.
  • Upload Your Menu: You can upload a photo or a PDF of your menu. Ensure it’s current and the text is clear.
  • Review and Save: Double-check for accuracy and then save your changes to update the menu on your Page.
  • Regular Updates: Keep the menu updated with any changes in your offerings.

Make sure the prices and all other information are consistent across all of your platforms. In other words, once you update your prices on your restaurant website, make sure to do the same with your Facebook menu.

4. Run Facebook Ads Aimed at Your Target Audience to Maximize Profits

facebook marketing for restaurants: facebook ads for restaurants

Facebook Ads help businesses and organizations reach specific target audiences on Facebook. They work by allowing advertisers to create and run ads tailored to various business goals, such as increasing website traffic, generating leads, or boosting online sales.

When developing a Facebook ad strategy for your restaurant, we first need to understand the various aspects of Facebook advertising and how to effectively manage your campaigns.

  • Facebook Ad Strategy: Crafting a successful Facebook ad strategy involves defining your marketing objectives, understanding your target audience, and deciding the type of content that will resonate with them. For restaurants, this might include showcasing your menu, ambiance, or special offers.
  • Facebook Advertising: Utilizing Facebook advertising allows you to reach a broader audience beyond your current followers. By targeting specific demographics, interests, and behaviors, you can attract new customers who are likely to be interested in your restaurant.
  • Ad Campaign: When setting up an ad campaign, it’s crucial to have clear goals. Are you looking to increase online reservations, promote a new menu, or raise brand awareness? Your goals will guide your ad design and targeting.
  • Facebook Ads Manager: This is the tool you’ll use to create, manage, and analyze your ad campaigns. The Facebook Ads Manager offers a range of functionalities from audience selection to budget control, making it easier to manage your advertising efforts effectively.
  • Restaurant video marketing: Video ads can be particularly effective for restaurants. They grab attention and can convey the atmosphere of your restaurant, the quality of the food, and the dining experience better than static images.
  • Running Facebook Ads: Focus on promoting special menu items, happy hour deals, or unique features of your restaurant. Customer testimonials, chef interviews, or behind-the-scenes kitchen videos can also make compelling content.

Platform compatibility and text length are two additional things you’re going to have to keep in mind when posting using the Facebook app. Make sure the images and text are compatible with both desktop and mobile devices.

  • Primary text: A maximum of 125 characters will appear in your ad’s preview. If possible, stick to it. You may write longer ads, and the customer will only see the rest once they click “See More.”
  • Headline: Up to 27 characters. You can go beyond, but this will cut your headline. Don’t do it.
  • Link description: Up to 27 characters. Best to stay within the limit.

5. Keep Your Facebook Feed Alive by Posting Regularly

Post regularly, but don’t overwhelm yourself. Aim for quality over quantity. Share pictures of your dishes, behind-the-scenes glimpses, or special events. Even a few posts a week can be effective.

The best way to keep your Facebook presence consistent is to schedule your posts in advance using Facebook’s scheduling feature. This allows you to batch-create content and schedule it to go live at optimal times, saving you daily effort.

  • Log into Facebook: First, sign in to your Facebook account. Then, click on your profile picture in the top right corner of the page.
  • Access your page: Click on “See all profiles”, and then choose the specific Page you wish to manage.
  • Enter Meta Business Suite: Click on your Page’s profile picture in the top right, and then select “Meta Business Suite” from the dropdown menu.
  • Go to planner: In the Meta Business Suite, click on “Planner” located in the left-side menu.
  • Start scheduling: Click on “Schedule” and choose “Schedule post” from the menu.
  • Set date and time: Pick the date and time you want your post to go live. You can also use the “Active times” recommendations below to select a time.
  • Save the timing: Click “Save” in the bottom right corner to lock in your chosen time.
  • Create your post: Now, create the content of your post.
  • Schedule the post: After finalizing your post, click “Schedule post” in the bottom right corner.

Posting regularly is important. However, it is equally important not to post uninteresting content. If you regularly post boring, regurgitated content, chances are you are not going to get the results you want. Make sure to carefully plan your posts using a social media marketing guide.

6. Share Special Offers & Giveaways to Keep ‘Em Coming Back

facebook marketing for restaurants: sharing special offers

Share special offers on Facebook to keep your followers re-visiting your facebook profile. For example, you create a ‘Special Thursday’ where you share your special offers every Thursday morning. The day you choose as the special one should be one of your slower days. That way you can keep the footfall up and the revenue flowing.

  • Target audience needs: Understand your customers’ preferences and tailor the offer to their tastes and needs.
  • Profitability: Ensure the offer is financially viable and doesn’t negatively impact your bottom line.
  • Timing and seasonality: Align the offer with seasons, holidays, or local events for maximum relevance and impact.
  • Marketing marketing plan: Plan how you will promote the offer through various channels, including social media, email, and in-house advertising.
  • Operational feasibility: Ensure your staff and kitchen can handle the potential increase in demand without sacrificing quality.
  • Data collection: Use the offer as an opportunity to collect customer data for future marketing efforts. See how the promotion translated into sales using restaurant analytics.
  • Expiration date: Set a clear start and end date to create a sense of urgency and manage customer expectations.
  • Feedback: Include a way to gather feedback from customers to assess the offer’s success and inform future promotions.

A good special offer attracts customers by providing real value or a unique experience. It should be appealing and relevant to the target audience, such as offering a discount on popular dishes, a complimentary item with a purchase, or a themed dining experience that differentiates the restaurant from competitors.

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7. Engage with Your Audience & Encourage People to Be Active

Allocate a small amount of time each day or week to respond to comments and messages. 

Engaging with your Facebook audience effectively can help build a loyal community around your restaurant and enhance your brand presence. 

  • Respond to comments and messages: Regularly check and respond to comments and messages. Personalized responses rather than automated ones can create a more meaningful connection.
  • Host contests and giveaways: Encourage participation through contests or giveaways. For instance, you could run a photo contest where customers share their meal photos for a chance to win a discount.
  • Share user-generated content: Share content created by your customers, like their photos or reviews of your restaurant, and always give credit.
  • Go live: Use Facebook Live to broadcast in real-time. You could showcase live events at your restaurant, host Q&A sessions, or give a live cooking demonstration.
  • Offer exclusive facebook promotions: Provide special deals or discounts exclusively to your Facebook followers to encourage loyalty.
  • Keep up with trends: Stay up-to-date with current trends and incorporate them into your content where appropriate.
  • Celebrate milestones: Share your restaurant’s milestones with your audience, like anniversaries, awards, or reaching a certain number of followers.
  • Stay consistent: Regular posting keeps your audience engaged and your restaurant top of mind.

Remember, the key to engaging with your audience is to be authentic, responsive, and consistent in your communication. This approach helps in building a community around your brand and encourages repeat business.

8. Promote Your Loyalty Programs To Maximize Repeat Customers

facebook marketing for restaurants: promoting loyalty programs

Facebook is a good place to remind your customers about your loyalty program. Whether you do so by regularly posting engaging content in your feed to reach your existing customers or reaching out to a broad audience using Facebook ads for restaurants, make sure that your offer is actually good and the content of your post is fun. The last thing people want is a bad deal on a poorly constructed ad. 

  • Enhanced customer retention: It’s like giving your guests a reason to come back. Every visit or purchase brings them closer to a reward, creating a compelling incentive to return.
  • Increased revenue: Think of it as a win-win. Your customers get more value, and you see more sales, as they’re often willing to spend a bit extra to earn their rewards.
  • Valuable customer data: This is like having a conversation with your customers without even speaking. You get to learn what they like, when they visit, and what they spend, helping you make smarter business decisions.
  • Improved customer experience: It’s all about making your guests feel special. Tailoring rewards and offers to their preferences can make each visit feel more personal.
  • Competitive advantage: It sets you apart. In a sea of dining options, your loyalty program can be the beacon that keeps customers coming to you.
  • Cost-effective marketing: Think of it as a magnet. It’s more budget-friendly to keep your existing customers coming back than to always look for new ones.
  • Direct customer engagement: It’s like building a bridge. You get a direct line to your customers, strengthening their bond with your brand.

Ideally, you’d want to promote your loyalty program on every social media platform you have so that you can reach more lookalike audiences. If you have had good results with your loyalty program, you might want to consider investing in social media ads.

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9. Utilize Facebook Insights to Keep Track of Performance

facebook marketing for restaurants: using facebook insights

Facebook Insights is an analytics tool provided by Facebook to help you understand how your content performs and how audiences engage with your page. Use Facebook Insights to understand what types of posts are resonating with your audience. This data can help you refine your strategy without investing too much time in trial and error. 

  • Audience demographics: Provides insights into the age, gender, location, and language of your audience, helping you tailor content more effectively.
  • Post engagement: Shows how people interact with your posts, including likes, shares, comments, and click-through rates, giving a clear picture of what resonates with your audience.
  • Page views and actions: Tracks the number of people visiting your Page and the actions they take, such as clicking on call-to-action buttons or visiting your website.
  • Reach: Measures how many people have seen your posts, helping assess the effectiveness of your content and its reach.
  • Video performance: If you use video content, this provides detailed metrics like view counts, average watch time, and audience retention.

Remember that the sole role of your marketing endeavors is to make more sales and bring in more revenue to your restaurant. Analyze your Facebook Insights alongside your restaurant analytics to see which campaigns brought you the most value.

10. Encourage User-Generated Content 

Encourage your customers to tag your restaurant in their posts. You can do so by sharing special deals or extra loyalty points. This can be an incredibly valuable tool that encourages your customers to post cool content that you can then use on your Facebook page. Make sure to reserve the right to use their content within the rules of a given contest or offer.

  • Create share-worthy experiences: Design visually appealing aspects in your restaurant, like unique dishes or an Instagrammable spot, to inspire customers to take photos and share them online.
  • Incentivize sharing: Offer rewards such as discounts or free appetizers to customers who share your content or tag your restaurant in their posts.
  • Hashtag campaigns: Develop a branded hashtag for your restaurant and encourage customers to use it in their posts, making it easier for you to find and re-share their content.
  • Feature customer content: Showcase user-generated content on your social media channels regularly, encouraging others to share their experiences for a chance to be featured.

11. Collaborate with Influencers to Reach Broader Audiences

facebook marketing for restaurants: working with influencers

Partner with local influencers or food bloggers. They can help promote your restaurant to a wider audience without needing a significant time investment from you. Restaurant influencers can help expand your reach to a targeted audience and enhance your brand’s credibility, offering a cost-effective way to create engaging content and attract new customers, especially locals. 

Most influencers operate on Instagram and TikTok but will bring you traffic nevertheless. Ask them if it’s okay for you to share their post on your Facebook or other social media channels.

How to select influencers:

  • Relevance to your brand: Look for influencers whose content aligns with your restaurant’s theme, cuisine, and ethos. Their followers should be your target audience.
  • Engagement rate: Check not just the number of followers but the level of engagement (likes, comments, shares) they have. High engagement rates often indicate a loyal and active audience.
  • Quality of content: Review the quality of their content. Good photography, storytelling, and an authentic voice are key for food and restaurant influencers.
  • Frequency of posts: Consider how often they post and interact with their audience. Consistent posting can mean more regular exposure for your brand.
  • Previous collaborations: Look at their past brand collaborations. How did they integrate products or services into their content? Was the promotion seamless and genuine?
  • Authenticity: Choose influencers who genuinely enjoy and endorse products or services similar to yours. Authentic enthusiasm translates better to their audience.

Many restaurant owners make the mistake of collaborating with influencers whose audience simply does not match theirs. Choosing the right influencers for your restaurant should be done at the level of the restaurant marketing plan. This will help you avoid poor investments in the future.

12. Create Events to Win New Customers 

facebook marketing for restaurants: organizing facebook events

Facebook Events allows you to reach your existing followers and a broader audience, providing details like date, time, location, and description of the event, and engaging with potential attendees through updates and reminders. It’s an effective way to increase visibility, drive attendance, and interact with customers both before and after the event.

Use Facebook Events for special occasions at your restaurant. This is a great way to spread the word and gauge interest. Below are a few ideas for your next big event.

  • Themed dinner nights: Create special dinners with themes like ‘Mediterranean Night’ or ’80s Retro Dinner’, offering unique menus and themed decor.
  • Cooking classes or demonstrations: Conduct classes where customers can learn to make dishes from your menu, providing an interactive culinary experience.
  • Wine tasting or pairing events: Host events for wine tasting or pairing, allowing guests to sample various wines with specially curated dishes.
  • Live music or entertainment nights: Offer evenings with live music, comedy, or other entertainment, combining dining with an enjoyable and lively atmosphere.

Key Takeaways

  • If you haven’t already, build your Facebook Business page to gain access to advanced analytics
  • Make sure to set up restaurant analytics to keep track of your revenue.
  • Add an up-to-date menu & all relevant contact information
  • Try running Facebook ad campaigns. Start slow and learn before investing a lot of money.
  • Keep your Facebook alive by posting regular updates.
  • Share special offers and remind your customers of your loyalty program.
  • Engage with your audience. Don’t ignore negative feedback.
  • Utilize Facebook insights and your restaurant analytics data to plan a restaurant social media marketing plan.
  • Encourage your followers to take part in your contests, events, and share your hashtags and other content.
  • Collaborate with social media influencers that match your restaurant’s vibe.
  • Organize events that align with your restaurant to win new customers and keep the old ones loyal.
Emil Gawkowski

Emil Gawkowski

Creative digital writer and marketer. A caffeine-fueled madman who loves to make things better.

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