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Case studies

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restaurant online ordering scene


Michelangelo Hit Nearly $1,000,000 From Online Orders

Learn how Michelangelo 301 received 23,269 orders, generating $863,166.54 and saving $129,474.98 on third-party commissions. This case study examines the impact of their digital transformation.


Sushi Kushi Saved Over $1,500,000 on Third-Party Commissions!

Discover how Sushi Kushi, a leading sushi franchise in Poland, transformed its business with UpMenu's innovative solutions. Achieving 73,484 online orders and generating $2,520,111.78 in revenue from January 2023 to 2024, Sushi Kushi saved over $1,500,000 in third-party commissions while enhancing customer engagement and operational efficiency.


Mulberry’s Market: 1190 Online Orders with $32,000 Revenue in Just 3 Weeks!

The revenue of $32,742.57 with over 1000 orders in just three weeks highlights the substantial impact of introducing an online ordering system. A conversion rate of 51% is remarkable, indicating that half of the website’s visitors placed an order. This suggests that the user interface and customer journey were highly effective.

How has a restaurant loyalty program helped Pizzeria Umberto to increase online orders?

Nowadays, ordering food online is very popular, either directly from a restaurant website or via a mobile application. More than 80% of people look for restaurants or bars online. Approximately 30% of restaurants offer various types of loyalty programs.