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Pizzeria Business Plan (How to Write & Template)


If you’re considering starting a pizzeria, crafting a comprehensive business plan is essential for its success. A well-structured business plan will guide you through the necessary steps and strategies to make your pizzeria thrive. In this article, we will explore the process of creating a business plan specifically tailored for a pizzeria.

By providing examples and templates, we aim to equip you with the knowledge of key elements that should be incorporated into your business plan. From developing a unique pizzeria concept to conducting market and competition analysis, and finally, formulating a solid financial plan, this guide will serve as a valuable resource to help you establish a successful pizzeria or enhance an existing one.

What is a Pizzeria Business Plan?

A pizzeria business plan is a comprehensive document outlining the planned activities, goals, and strategies for a new or existing pizzeria. It serves as a roadmap for successfully establishing and operating a pizzeria business.

How to Write a Pizzeria Business Plan (Step-by-Step)?

Step 1: Gather Essential Information

Before you begin writing your business plan, gather important information by answering the following questions:

  • What is your unique selling proposition or concept for the pizzeria?
  • Who is your target market and what are their preferences?
  • What is the competitive landscape in your area?
  • What will be the size and layout of your pizzeria?
  • What will be your menu offerings and pricing strategy?
  • What resources, equipment, and staff will be required?
  • What permits, licenses, and regulations must be considered?

Step 2: Assess Your Business Model

If your pizzeria will introduce an innovative business model, it is advisable to evaluate its feasibility before proceeding with the business plan. You can utilize tools like the Business Model Canvas to analyze and validate your concept.

However, if your pizzeria will adopt a traditional business model already existing in the market (e.g., delivery-focused, sit-down dining, specialty pizzas), you can proceed directly to creating the business plan.

Step 3: Create a Pizzeria Business Plan Template

Utilize a ready-made template or pattern to structure your pizzeria business plan effectively. The template should include sections such as:

  • Executive Summary for Restaurant: An overview of your pizzeria and its key highlights.
  • Business Description: Detailed information about your pizzeria concept, target market, and competitive analysis.
  • Menu and Pricing Strategy: Description of your menu offerings, pricing approach, and any unique selling points.
  • Marketing and Sales Strategy: How you plan to promote and market your pizzeria to attract customers.
  • Operations and Management: Details about the physical location, equipment, staffing, and day-to-day operations.
  • Financial Projections: Projected revenue, expenses, and profitability based on realistic assumptions and calculations.
  • Funding and Investment: If applicable, outline your funding needs and potential investment opportunities.

Step 4: Regularly Review and Update Your Plan

A pizzeria business plan is a dynamic document that should be revisited frequently, especially during the initial months of restaurant operation. Regularly review and update your calculations, assumptions, and strategies to ensure the plan remains relevant and aligned with your goals.

Additionally, once your pizzeria has achieved stability and reached the break-even point, it is advisable to revisit the business plan at least once a year to evaluate progress, make adjustments, and plan for future growth.

Key Considerations for Creating a Pizzeria Business Plan:
  • Be concise and specific in your writing, keeping the document focused and easy to understand.
  • Utilize numerical data for calculations and projections to provide a realistic outlook.
  • Consider worst-case scenarios and plan accordingly, ensuring your business can withstand challenges.
  • Engage your team in discussions about the business plan and consider profit-sharing to foster commitment and motivation.
  • Remember that the business plan is a long-term document that should be regularly updated to reflect changes and new opportunities.

Learn more with our comprehensive guide about how to write a restaurant business plan.

Why Should You Write Pizza Shop Business Plan?

Writing a business plan for your restaurant is crucial for several reasons:

  • Transforming your idea into action: A business plan helps you move beyond ideas and dreams and provides a concrete roadmap to turn your vision into a reality. It outlines the steps you must take to establish and operate your restaurant.
  • Working on the business, not just in it: Creating a business plan allows you to work on the strategic aspects of your restaurant, focusing on its design, improvement, and long-term success. It helps you take a step back and consider the bigger picture rather than getting caught up in day-to-day operations.
  • Validating assumptions and gaining knowledge: A business plan enables you to test your assumptions about your restaurant’s viability and growth potential. As you revisit and update your plan, you’ll acquire valuable knowledge and insights to guide your decision-making process.
  • Translating vision into action: A pizza business plan helps you articulate and define your vision for the restaurant. It serves as a blueprint for translating that vision into specific goals, strategies, and actionable steps.
  • Assessing feasibility and managing risks: Writing a business plan allows you to assess the feasibility of your business idea and evaluate its chances of success. By conducting market research, analyzing competition, and assessing financial projections, you can identify potential risks and make informed decisions to mitigate them.
  • Fostering specificity and clarity: A pizza business plan forces you to be specific about various aspects of your restaurant, such as the target market, menu offerings, marketing strategies, and operational processes. This specificity helps you understand your business better and communicate your ideas effectively to stakeholders.
  • Establishing a baseline for progress and growth: A pizza shop business plan serves as a baseline to measure your progress and growth. By regularly reviewing and updating your project, you can track your achievements, identify areas for improvement, and set new goals for your restaurant’s development.
  • Rectifying past mistakes: If you already have a pizza shop but don’t have a formal business plan, creating one allows you to rectify that mistake. Every pizza business should have a plan to provide direction, focus, and a framework for success regardless of its stage.

In summary, a well-crafted business plan helps you validate your restaurant concept, minimize risks, set clear goals, and navigate the challenges of running a successful pizza restaurant. It is an indispensable tool for any aspiring or existing restaurateur.

Pizzeria Business Plan Template

Pizzeria business plan template

Executive Summary

The executive summary provides an overview of your restaurant business plan and should include the following:

  • Mission statement, vision, and values of the restaurant.
  • Description of the restaurant concept and its unique selling points.
  • A compelling explanation of why your idea will be successful.
  • Outline of the implementation plan.
  • Discussion of costs, profits, and return on investment.

Description of the Restaurant

This section provides a detailed company overview, highlighting key elements that make it unique and appealing to customers. Here are the essential components to include:

  1. Mission statement and vision: Clearly define the mission of your restaurant, which explains why it exists and the purpose it serves. Additionally, outline your vision, detailing what you aim to achieve in the next 1, 2, and 5 years. These statements help set the direction and guide the decision-making process for your restaurant.
  2. Structure: Specify the legal structure of your restaurant, whether it is a sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, or any other business entity. Clarify the ownership and organizational structure, highlighting key roles and responsibilities.
  3. Restaurant concept: Provide an overview of your restaurant concept, including the following details:
    • Restaurant name: Choose a catchy, memorable name that aligns with your concept and target market.
    • Type of restaurant: Define the specific category or style of your restaurant, such as bistro, fine dining, casual, or fast-casual.
    • Location: Describe the exact location of your restaurant or potential locations you are considering. Explain the rationale behind selecting the specific place, considering factors like foot traffic, accessibility, target market proximity, and competition analysis.
    • Ambiance and style: Describe the ambiance and atmosphere you aim to create within your restaurant. Discuss the colors, decor, lighting, music, and overall aesthetic that will contribute to the dining experience.
    • Order fulfillment: Clarify whether your restaurant will offer on-site dining, delivery, takeout, or a combination of these options. Explain the reasons behind your chosen approach, considering market demand, operational feasibility, and customer preferences.
    • Hours of operation: Specify the opening and closing hours of your restaurant. Provide reasoning behind these choices, considering factors like peak hours, customer availability, and local regulations.
  4. Menu: Outline the type of cuisine your restaurant will serve and provide details about your menu, including:
    • Type of cuisine: Clearly state the cuisine style or theme of your menu, such as Italian, Asian fusion, or farm-to-table.
    • Draft menu: Include a sample menu that showcases the dishes and offerings you plan to provide. Ensure that the menu design follows the principles of menu engineering to maximize profitability.
    • Unique Selling Points (USPs): Identify 1-3 key differentiators that set your restaurant apart from the competition. These can be special features, signature dishes, unique ingredients, or any other aspects that make your restaurant stand out.

By including these elements in the description of your restaurant, you provide a clear and compelling picture of your concept, attracting potential restaurant investors, partners, and customers.

Market Research and Competition Analysis

Market Overview

Conduct thorough market research to understand the dynamics of the restaurant industry and your target market. Consider the following aspects:

  1. Target Group: Identify your ideal customer profile, including their age range, interests, preferences, and dining habits. Understand what drives their dining decisions and how your restaurant can cater to their needs.
  2. Market Needs: Determine the specific needs and demands in the market that your restaurant aims to fulfill. Highlight how your concept and offerings align with those needs and provide a unique value proposition.
  3. Target Audience Size: Estimate the size of your target market in terms of potential customers within the geographic area you plan to operate. This will help gauge the market potential and identify growth opportunities.
  4. Market Trends: Stay informed about the latest trends and developments in the restaurant industry. Identify emerging consumer preferences, technological advancements, and shifts in dining habits to adapt and capitalize on market opportunities.

Competition Analysis

Thoroughly analyze your competition to understand their strengths, weaknesses, and strategies. Consider the following:

  1. List of Competing Restaurants: Identify direct and indirect competitors in your area. Categorize them based on their cuisine, target market, price range, and positioning.
  2. Revenue and Order Volume: Estimate competing restaurants’ revenue potential and order volume to gauge their market share and profitability. This analysis helps you understand the revenue potential of similar establishments in your area.
  3. Menu and Pricing: Evaluate the menus and pricing strategies of your competitors. Assess the range of dishes, quality of ingredients, portion sizes, and pricing structures. Calculate their food costs to understand their profitability.
  4. Competitor Marketing Activities: Study your competitors’ marketing efforts and promotional activities. Identify their strengths and weaknesses in brand positioning, online presence, advertising, and customer engagement.
  5. Competitive Advantages: Identify and emphasize the unique advantages your restaurant will have over the competition. These include innovative menu offerings, superior service, unique ambiance, location advantage, sustainable practices, or a specific culinary niche.

SWOT Analysis

Conduct a SWOT analysis to identify your restaurant’s internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as external opportunities and threats. Create a table format to summarize these factors:

Strengths: Identify your restaurant’s unique strengths, such as a talented chef, exceptional service, prime location, or a strong brand proposition.

Weaknesses: Assess the areas where your restaurant may have limitations or areas for improvement, such as limited capital, inexperienced team members, or operational inefficiencies.

Opportunities: Identify external opportunities that can positively impact your restaurant’s success, such as emerging food trends, growing market demand, or strategic partnerships.

Threats: Identify potential threats or challenges that may impact your restaurant’s performance, such as intense competition, changing consumer preferences, economic fluctuations, or regulatory changes.

You gain valuable insights that inform your restaurant’s positioning, marketing strategies, and overall business plan by conducting thorough market research and competition analysis. It allows you to identify opportunities, differentiate from competitors, and develop strategies to address potential challenges.

Example of SWOT analysis for pizza shops

Investment Plan (Cost Analysis)

In this section, you will outline the costs associated with the initial investment and the spending plan for the first year of operation. These costs can be divided into two main groups: investment and operating costs.

Investment Costs (One-off to Start)

  1. Rental or Purchase of Real Estate: Include the expenses for securing a suitable location for your restaurant, whether leasing or purchasing the property.
  2. Renovation and Adaptation of the Premises: Account for the costs involved in transforming the space to meet your restaurant’s requirements, such as construction, plumbing, electrical work, and interior design.
  3. Kitchen Equipment: List the essential kitchen equipment you need to purchase, including pizza ovens, gas stoves, refrigerators, freezers, dishwashers, mixers, blenders, food processors, and various utensils like dishes, cutlery, pots, and pans.
  4. Furniture and Equipment for the Dining Area: Include the costs of tables, chairs, buffet stations, decorations, lighting fixtures, and any necessary work clothes or uniforms for the staff.
  5. IT Software and Hardware: Account for the expenses related to POS software, payment terminals, and computer hardware required for your point-of-sale system.
  6. Marketing and Promotion Costs: Include the expenses associated with creating a logo, designing a website with online ordering capabilities, menu design, printing flyers or brochures, and acquiring A-boards or signage.
  7. Insurance: Calculate the costs of insuring your premises and equipment to protect against potential risks and liabilities.
  8. Organizational and Legal Costs: Account for expenses related to necessary permits, licenses, regulations, and documentation required to operate your restaurant legally.
  9. Training Costs: Include any external training or certification programs that you or your staff may need to undergo, such as food safety training or management courses.

Operating Costs (Fixed Monthly Costs)

  1. Rental of Real Estate: If your restaurant premises are rented, include the monthly rental payments as part of your operating costs.
  2. Utility Charges: Account for recurring costs such as electricity, gas, and water bills necessary for the day-to-day operations of your restaurant.
  3. Staff Wages: Calculate the wages or salaries of your restaurant staff, including chefs, cooks, waiters/waitresses, dishwashers, and any other personnel you employ.
  4. Food and Beverage Costs: Estimate the ongoing expenses for purchasing ingredients, food supplies, and beverages needed to prepare and serve meals in your restaurant.
  5. Equipment Maintenance and Servicing Costs: Include the regular maintenance and servicing expenses for your kitchen equipment, HVAC systems, and other operational machinery.
  6. Service Charges: Account for charges related to cleaning services, POS system support, pizza ordering system fees, and any commissions payable to external food delivery services.
  7. Employee Insurance: Calculate the costs of providing insurance coverage for your employees, such as workers’ compensation or health insurance plans.
  8. Marketing and Promotion Costs: Allocate a budget for ongoing marketing plan and promotional activities, including online and offline advertising, printed materials, social media management, and website positioning (SEO).
  9. Taxes and Fees: Include the estimated restaurant tax obligations and any other applicable fees or licenses required to operate your restaurant within legal parameters.

Regularly review and update these costs to ensure accuracy and monitor financial performance. By understanding and planning for one-time investment costs and ongoing operating expenses, you can effectively manage your restaurant’s finances and make informed decisions for long-term success.

Financial Forecast

The financial plan for your restaurant consists of three key elements: the projected Profit and Loss Statement, the break-even analysis, and the sensitivity analysis.

Projected Profit and Loss Statement

The projected Profit and Loss (P&L) Statement outlines the estimated revenue and expenses for your pizza delivery business over a specific period. It provides insights into the expected turnover and profitability of your restaurant. Consider the following components:

  • Sales Revenue: Estimate the revenue you expect to generate based on factors such as the size of your restaurant, target market, anticipated sales volume, and pricing strategy.
  • Cost of Goods Sold (COGS): Calculate the cost of ingredients, raw materials, and beverages required to prepare the meals and drinks you sell. This will help determine the gross pizza profit margin.
  • Gross Profit: Deduct the COGS from the sales revenue to calculate the gross profit, which represents the amount available to cover operating expenses.
  • Operating Expenses: Include fixed and variable expenses such as rent, utilities, employee wages, marketing costs, insurance, maintenance, and other administrative expenses.
  • Net Profit/Loss: Calculate the net profit or loss by subtracting the total operating expenses from the gross profit. This figure indicates the profitability of your restaurant.

Example of easiest way to prepare a profit and loss account

Break-even Analysis

The break-even analysis determines the point at which your restaurant’s total revenue matches its total expenses, resulting in neither profit nor loss. This analysis helps you understand how many sales you need to cover your costs. Consider the following:

  • Fixed Costs: Identify all fixed costs, such as rent, utilities, insurance, and other expenses that remain constant regardless of sales volume.
  • Variable Costs: Determine the variable costs associated with each meal or drink served, including ingredients, packaging, and direct labor costs.
  • Contribution Margin: Calculate the contribution margin, which represents the revenue remaining after variable costs are subtracted from sales. This amount contributes to covering fixed costs and generating profit.
  • Break-even Point: Divide the total fixed costs by the contribution margin to determine the number of units (meals or drinks) you need to sell to break even.

Sensitivity Analysis

A sensitivity analysis helps you understand the potential impact of negative scenarios on your restaurant’s turnover and profit. By adjusting key variables, such as sales volume or pricing, you can assess how your financials would be affected. Consider scenarios such as a 50% decrease in turnover for a specific period and analyze the resulting impact on profitability.

 Pizzeria business plan - example of restaurant sensitivity analysis

Using these three elements, the projected Profit and Loss Statement, break-even analysis, and sensitivity analysis, you can evaluate your restaurant’s financial feasibility and profitability. Regularly review and update these forecasts to track actual performance and make informed decisions to drive the success of your business.

Pizzeria Team


The founders of your restaurant play a crucial role in shaping its vision, strategy, and overall success. This section is particularly important if you are seeking investors or partners. Provide the following information:

  1. List of Founders: Clearly state the names and roles of each founder involved in the restaurant venture.
  2. Experience: Highlight the relevant industry experience and expertise of each founder. Describe their background, skills, and knowledge that contribute to the success of the pizza restaurant. Emphasize any achievements or successes they have had in the past.


The employees you hire are essential for the daily operations and success of your pizza shop. Consider the positions necessary for smooth functioning and divide them into different roles. Provide the following details:

  1. List of Job Titles: Outline the various job titles or positions required in your restaurant, such as chef, cook, waitstaff, bartender, cashier, dishwasher, and managerial positions.
  2. Duties: Describe the specific responsibilities and duties associated with each job title. Clearly outline the expectations for each role, including food preparation, customer service, cleaning, inventory management, and any other relevant tasks.
  3. Remuneration: Specify the remuneration or compensation for each position. This can include wages, salaries, tips, bonuses, or any other benefits provided to the employees.
  4. Type of Contract: Indicate the type of employment contract or agreement that will be offered to your employees, whether full-time, part-time, or seasonal. Consider any legal or regulatory requirements related to employment contracts in your jurisdiction.

Additionally, consider the need for training and development programs for your employees. Identify any necessary training to ensure they have the required skills and knowledge to perform their roles effectively. Include the associated costs of training in your restaurant business plan.

By outlining the founders’ experience and the roles and responsibilities of your employees, you demonstrate a capable and dedicated team that will contribute to the success of your restaurant.

Pizza Business Marketing Plan

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Your marketing plan should encompass various strategies to promote your restaurant and attract customers. Key components of your plan should include:

  • Brand Building: Establish a recognizable brand identity through a logo, colors, and a catchy pizza slogan.
  • Online Presence: Create a professional restaurant website to showcase your pizzeria’s concept and menu. Offer online ordering through your website and consider partnering with external food delivery platforms.
  • Innovative Customer Experience: Explore options like tableside ordering and implementing a loyalty program to enhance the dining experience and encourage customer retention.
  • Offline Customer Acquisition: Utilize flyers, local radio advertising, public relations, and events to attract customers in your area.
  • Online Customer Acquisition: Leverage social media, restaurant SEO, Google Maps listing, email, and SMS campaigns, blogging, and targeted paid advertising to reach and engage customers online.
  • Promotions: Offer special promotions and discounts to entice customers and regularly evaluate their effectiveness.
  • Competition edge: To thrive in a competitive restaurant industry, it’s crucial to identify and emphasize your unique competitive advantage, like free-delivered pizza.

By implementing a well-rounded marketing plan, you can effectively promote your restaurant, build a solid customer base, and drive business growth. Continuously assess and adjust your strategies based on customer feedback and market trends to maximize results.

Key Takeaways

  • Describe Your Restaurant: Your business plan should paint a clear picture of what your restaurant will look like, including its concept, target market, menu, ambiance, and unique selling points.
  • Elements of a Business Plan: Ensure your business plan covers all the necessary elements, such as executive summary, restaurant description, market analysis, financial forecasts, team structure, marketing plan, and competitive edge.
  • Continuous Planning: Even if you already have an existing restaurant, it’s never too late to create or update your business plan. Regularly review and revise your plan to adapt to changes in the market, industry trends, and customer preferences.
  • Seek Expert Advice: While it’s essential to take ownership of your business plan, don’t hesitate to seek guidance from experienced restaurateurs or consultants who can provide valuable insights and help refine your ideas.
  • Regular Review: Make it a habit to revisit your business plan at least once a month during the early stages of your restaurant’s operation. Once your restaurant is more established, conduct an annual review to assess progress and make necessary adjustments.
  • A Living Document: Remember that a business plan is not a static document. It is a living document that should guide you in running your restaurant effectively. Continuously learn from and adapt your plan based on real-world experiences and market feedback.
Picture of Dominik Bartoszek

Dominik Bartoszek

8+ years Digital Marketer driven by data & AI. Helping restaurants grow more through online orders.

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