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Interactive Restaurant Menu

Give your virtual storefront a glow up with UpMenu’s interactive restaurant menus. Choose from a variety of digital menu designs, upload menu items, add descriptions, and make your restaurant business truly stand out. 

An example of an interactive menu restaurant builder

Integrated Online Ordering

UpMenu’s interactive menu software gives your customers the freedom to order online. Plus, website visitors that visit your interactive digital menu are 20% more likely to order on the spot if online ordering is available.

  • Interactive menus that can be edited in real time.
  • Online menus that come with an order updates option.
  • A smart food ordering app and white label delivery solution.

Distinct Menu Templates

Dive into a variety of bespoke website templates with UpMenu, ensuring a personalized touch for your brand.

  • Effortless drag-and-drop customization.
  • Versatile content modification tools.
  • Multiple page layouts with eye-catching design elements.
In Upmenu, interactive restaurant menus are available on both the website and mobile app

Mobile App And Website Ordering

Design a fully interactive mobile app and website to go with your online menu and give customers a seamless food ordering experience.  

  • Choose one of several app and website layouts.
  • Use drag-and-drop functions to perfect your digital menu board.
  • The food ordering feature is fully integrated into the ordering app and website.

QR Code Ordering

Turn paper menus into touch-free digital menus with the built-in QR code menu generator. Now clients can scan your code, view your menu online, and order right from the get-go.

  • Display your menu’s QR code, allowing customers to order from any location.
  • Enhance client experience and increase earnings through your QR-enabled menu.
  • Guests scan and keep your digital menu, unlike traditional menus.
  • Generate and customize QR codes with just a few clicks.

What Am I Getting With UpMenu?

UpMenu offers a sustainable solution that you’ll commit to for the long run. Here’s what you’re in for when you power your restaurant with UpMenu.

Website and Mobile App Customization

Craft a unique website and exclusive app for just $89/month. Choose UpMenu as your tailored app solution, steering your business on your terms.

  • Build a bespoke app tailored to your clientele.
  • Oversee incoming orders and handle various services simultaneously.
  • Take online payments using the integrated POS system.
Most interactive restaurant menu software can cost over $150 per month.
An advanced interactive restaurant menu can come with a variety of marketing tools

Tailored Marketing Solutions

Harness UpMenu’s digital marketing capabilities to elevate customer engagement, increase sales, and earn reviews, catapulting your business to new heights.

  • Intuitive dashboard for crafting discounts and promotional codes.
  • Drive sales through SMS, email, and push notification campaigns.
  • Engage and reward with loyalty program communications.

Comprehensive Insights for Strategic Choices

Generate reports and track the popularity of all of your menu items with fully integrated reports and analytics that a traditional menu simply doesn’t have.  

  • Manage all of your restaurant operations and data with one solution.
  • View website traffic, individual menu item sales, online orders, and delivery orders.
  • Ascertain client sentiment with restaurant review analyses.
  • Highlight star dishes based on customer favorites.
  • Gain insights into the demographics of your emerging patrons.
Interactive restaurant menu with insights

Why Restaurateurs Choose UpMenu

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During these 10 years of cooperation, we have saved $1.5M. This would be the cost if we only used 3rd party portals with a 15% commission.”

~ Andrzej Pelc-Gonera – Owner of the Sushi Kushi, King Kong and Ramen Shop restaurant chains.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

An interactive menu is a digital menu that offers more than just a static list of items and prices. It incorporates various interactive elements to enhance the user experience, making the process of selecting and ordering food more engaging, informative, and enjoyable. 

Key features and aspects of interactive menus:

    • Multimedia Integration: These menus allow users to easily upload pictures that look visually appealing, and cut printing costs down to virtually zero. 
    • Dynamic Content: Unlike traditional printed menus, interactive menus can be easily updated in real-time to highlight daily specials, promotional items, or to remove dishes that are out of stock.
    • Detailed Descriptions: Diners can tap or hover over a menu item to get more information, such as ingredients, nutritional facts, allergens, or the backstory of a dish.
    • Personalization: Some interactive menus can remember preferences or past orders of returning customers, suggesting dishes based on their tastes or dietary restrictions.
    • Direct Ordering: Diners can make selections directly from the interactive menu, adding items to their cart and placing orders seamlessly.
    • Feedback and Reviews: Some interactive menus allow diners to leave restaurant feedback on dishes or see reviews from other patrons, helping them make informed choices.
  • System Integrations: More advanced interactive restaurant menus come equipped with a number of built-in systems, which usually include a food ordering system, digital flipbook with pictures of popular dishes, a restaurant loyalty program, and even a restaurant QR code menu, which offers the ultimate customer experience.

Digital menus are electronic versions of traditional paper menus, displayed on screens or accessible on personal devices, used primarily in food and beverage establishments. 

They offer a modern way to present and promote menu items to customers. Here are some features and aspects of digital menus:

  • Display Platforms: Digital menus can be showcased on various platforms, including tablets, digital kiosks, large screen displays, smartphones, or even on restaurant websites or apps.
  • Dynamic Updates: One of the significant advantages of digital menus is the ability to make real-time updates. This is useful for changing daily specials, updating prices, or indicating when an item is out of stock.
  • Visual Appeal: Digital menus can incorporate high-quality images, making them visually more appealing and enticing to customers.
  • Interactive Features: Some digital menus, especially those on tablets or touchscreens, allow customers to tap on items to get more detailed descriptions, view ingredients, or see nutritional information.
  • Integration with POS Systems: Digital menus can often be integrated with Point-of-Sale (POS) systems, allowing for seamless order processing. What is a POS system?
  • Cost-Effective: Over time, digital menus can prove to be cost-effective as they eliminate the need for repeated printing due to menu changes.

A dynamic restaurant menu is a menu that changes frequently based on various factors, ensuring that the offerings are always fresh, relevant, and appealing to customers. Such a menu is adaptable and evolves in response to different influences. 

Main features and reasons for a dynamic menu:

  • Seasonal Ingredients: One of the primary reasons for a dynamic menu is the use of seasonal ingredients. As certain produce or ingredients become available or go out of season, the menu adjusts to incorporate fresh and timely items.
  • Customer Feedback: If certain dishes become exceptionally popular or others don’t hit the mark, a dynamic menu allows the restaurant to adjust based on customer preferences and feedback.
  • Supply Chain Factors: Sometimes, due to external reasons, certain ingredients might become scarce or more expensive. A dynamic menu allows restaurants to pivot and offer dishes that are more feasible to produce.
  • Trend Responsiveness: Culinary trends can change frequently. Restaurants with dynamic menus can introduce dishes that cater to the latest food trends or health fads, ensuring they stay relevant and appealing to a broader audience.
  • Special Events or Themes: Restaurants may introduce special dishes or complete menu changes based on holidays, local events, or themed nights.
  • Cost Efficiency: By adjusting menu items based on ingredient cost and availability, restaurants can maintain profitability and avoid passing on excessive costs to customers.

Digital menus work by utilizing electronic displays and technology-driven platforms to present menu items and offerings to customers. 

They are a modern alternative to traditional printed menus and offer various benefits such as easy updating, dynamic content, and interactive features. Here’s how they generally work:

  • Display Hardware: The most obvious component of a digital menu is the electronic display. This could be LCD, LED, or even touchscreen displays, ranging from tablet-sized screens to large wall-mounted panels.
  • Content Management System (CMS): Behind the scenes, a digital menu often connects to a CMS, where restaurant managers or staff can update menu items, prices, descriptions, and images. Changes made in the CMS are automatically reflected on the digital menu displays.
  • Connectivity: Digital menus typically require an internet connection. This connection allows them to pull real-time updates from the CMS, access cloud-based data (like daily specials or inventory levels), and even integrate with other systems like point-of-sale (POS) systems.
  • Interactive Features: Some digital menus, especially those on tablets or kiosks, offer interactive features. Customers can browse through items, see detailed descriptions, view images, and sometimes even place orders directly from the device.
  • Dynamic Content: One of the key benefits of digital menus is the ability to display dynamic content. For instance, a restaurant could show breakfast items in the morning and automatically switch to lunch items later in the day. They can also highlight daily specials or promote items that are overstocked.
  • Multimedia Integration: Beyond just text and images, digital menus can incorporate videos, animations, and other multimedia elements to make the menu more engaging.
  • QR Codes and Mobile Integration: Some digital menus integrate with mobile devices. Customers can scan a QR code menu on their own smartphone, making the ordering process contactless and personal.
  • Data Collection: Advanced digital menu systems can collect data on customer preferences, frequently ordered items, or even dwell time on specific menu sections. This data can be used for restaurant analytics and to improve the menu or promotional strategies.

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