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50+ Bar Interview Questions (With Answer Examples)


Finding the ideal candidate for a bar position can be daunting. The difference between an average bar and a standout one often rests in the hands of the staff.

Having refined our process by assisting hundreds of restaurants, we’ve identified a series of questions, categorized into five groups, that can help you find the best fit for your bar.

General Bar Interview Questions

  • Why are you interested in this bar position?
    Example answer: “I’ve always admired the atmosphere here and believe that I can bring a positive and energetic vibe to the team.”
  • Describe your previous experience working in a bar.
    Example answer: “I’ve worked at XYZ Bar for three years where I was responsible for serving drinks, handling cash, and maintaining cleanliness.”
  • How do you handle a difficult or unruly customer?
    Example answer: “I approach them with calmness, try to understand their concerns, and find a peaceful resolution while ensuring the safety and comfort of other patrons.”
  • How do you prioritize tasks during a busy shift?
    Example answer: “I believe in multitasking effectively, focusing on urgent tasks first, and always keeping customer satisfaction as the top priority.”
  • Explain your understanding of the bar hierarchy.
    Example answer: “Typically, barbacks support bartenders, cocktail waitresses place and manage drink orders, and the bar manager oversees the entire operation, sometimes in coordination with a general manager.”
  • How would you deal with a colleague not pulling their weight?
  • What is your favorite cocktail to make and why?
  • Describe a time you improved a process or made something more efficient.
  • How do you handle feedback or criticism from your supervisor?
  • What do you believe is the most crucial skill a bartender should possess?

Questions About Experience and Background

  • What certifications or training do you hold related to the bar industry?
    Example answer: “I hold a TIPS certification and have undergone a bartending course from ABC Bartending School.”
  • Have you ever faced a situation where you had to refuse service to a customer?
    Example answer: “Yes, there was an instance where a customer was clearly intoxicated and causing disturbances. For the safety of everyone, I had to refuse to serve him further drinks.”
  • Describe a time when you went above and beyond for a customer.
    Example answer: “Once, a guest was celebrating a special occasion and wanted a cocktail not on our menu. I took the initiative to craft a unique drink for them, and they were thrilled.”
  • How do you stay updated with the latest trends in the bar industry?
    Example answer: “I follow renowned mixologists on social media, attend local bartending workshops, and regularly experiment with new concoctions.”
  • Can you recall a particularly busy night and how you managed it?
    Example answer: “New Year’s Eve last year was incredibly busy. I kept a cool head, collaborated closely with my team, and ensured that every customer left satisfied.”
  • How do you manage inventory and stock?
  • Describe a difficult work situation and how you overcame it.
  • How do you ensure consistency in the drinks you serve?
  • Tell us about a time you made a mistake at work and how you rectified it.
  • Have you ever helped with promotional or marketing events for a bar?

Interview Questions Focused on Soft Skills

  • How do you handle stress or pressure, especially during rush hours?
    Example answer: “I focus on staying organized, taking deep breaths when needed, and remembering that rush hours are just a temporary phase of the shift.”
  • How do you handle disagreements with team members?
    Example answer: “I believe in open communication. If I disagree with a colleague, I approach them directly, discuss the issue, and find common ground or a solution.”
  • How do you ensure you maintain a positive attitude during long shifts?
    Example answer: “I ensure I’m well-rested before my shifts, keep myself hydrated, take short breaks when possible, and always remember the joy of serving and interacting with customers.”
  • Describe a situation where you had to show empathy towards a customer.
    Example answer: “Once, a customer seemed distraught. I approached them, offered a comforting word, and listened to their concerns, ensuring they felt valued and understood.”
  • How do you contribute to a team’s success?
    Example answer: “I believe in clear communication, being supportive of my teammates, and stepping in to assist whenever someone needs help.”
  • How do you approach continuous learning and development in your job?
  • What motivates you to go the extra mile in your job?
  • How would you handle receiving feedback from a less experienced colleague?
  • Describe a time you had to adapt to a sudden change during your shift.
  • How do you ensure customer satisfaction even during challenging situations?

Interview Questions Focused on Hard Skills

  • How proficient are you in using a Point of Sale (POS) system?
    Example answer: “I’m very comfortable with most POS systems, having used ABC and XYZ systems in my previous jobs.”
  • Can you describe the steps to make [a popular cocktail]?
    Example answer: “Certainly! To make a classic Mojito, you’ll need… [and then describe the process].”
  • How do you ensure that the drinks you serve are consistent in taste and presentation?
    Example answer: “I always follow the standard recipes, measure ingredients accurately, and use the same techniques to ensure consistency.”
  • Are you familiar with any inventory management software?
    Example answer: “Yes, I’ve worked with XYZ inventory software at my previous job and found it highly efficient in tracking stock and consumption.”
  • How do you handle cash transactions, and ensure the register is accurate at the end of the shift?
    Example answer: “I double-check each transaction, provide clear receipts, and periodically balance the register during my shift to ensure accuracy.”
  • Do you have experience training junior staff or new hires?
  • How do you maintain cleanliness and organization in your workspace?
  • Are you knowledgeable about pairing drinks with food?
  • Can you describe the safety protocols you follow to ensure safe alcohol service?
  • How do you handle drink modifications or special requests?

Scenario-Based Bar Interview Questions (That Show Problem-Solving Skills)

  • Imagine a customer complains that their drink doesn’t taste right, but you followed the recipe. What would you do?
    Example answer: “I’d apologize and offer to remake the drink or suggest an alternative. Customer satisfaction is paramount.”
  • How would you handle a situation where two customers are arguing or on the verge of a physical altercation?
    Example answer: “I’d immediately alert security or management, and in the meantime, attempt to defuse the situation by calmly speaking to the customers and asking them to settle down.”
  • A regular customer seems to be intoxicated and wants one more drink. What would you do?
    Example answer: “It’s essential to prioritize safety. I’d politely inform them that I cannot serve them another drink and suggest a non-alcoholic alternative or some water.”
  • During a rush, you realize you’re running out of a key ingredient for a popular drink. How would you handle it?
    Example answer: “I’d inform my colleagues, suggest a similar drink or alternative to customers, and make a note to restock the ingredient as soon as possible.”
  • A colleague calls in sick last minute on a night you expect to be very busy. How would you handle the situation?
    Example answer: “I’d discuss with the manager to see if there’s a backup or if someone can cover. If not, I’d mentally prepare myself for a busier shift and ensure I stay organized and efficient.”
  • A customer insists they’ve been undercharged, but you’re certain the bill is accurate. How would you handle this?
  • How would you handle a situation where a customer is unhappy with the waiting time, even though the bar is exceptionally busy?
  • What would you do if a customer is unhappy with a drink made by another bartender?
  • You suspect a colleague might be skimming from the register. How would you handle it?
  • A customer left without paying their tab. How would you address the situation?

Bar Staff Interview Tips

Tips For the Recruiter

  • Know Your Needs: Determine if you need a mixologist, a general bartender, or a barback. Each has specific skills, and understanding the difference is crucial.
  • Prioritize Soft Skills: While technical knowledge is essential, interpersonal skills often play a more significant role in a bar setting.
  • Host a Practical Test: Consider having candidates mix a drink or handle a mock customer scenario to gauge their proficiency.
  • Check for Certifications: Ensure candidates have the required licenses or certifications to serve alcohol in your region.
  • Ask Behavior-Based Questions: This helps in understanding how candidates have reacted in past scenarios, which is a good indicator of future behavior.
  • Prioritize Safety and Responsibility: Ensure that the candidate understands the importance of serving alcohol responsibly and is trained to recognize signs of over-intoxication.
  • Check References: Past employers can provide insights into the candidate’s reliability, work ethic, and professionalism.

Tips For the Candidates

  • Know Your Drinks: Refresh your memory on popular cocktails and be ready to describe the process of making them.
  • Dress the Part: Even if the bar has a casual atmosphere, it’s essential to look neat, tidy, and professional for the interview.
  • Demonstrate Customer Service Skills: Emphasize any experience or skills that showcase your ability to handle and satisfy customers.
  • Be Prepared with Stories: Have a few anecdotes ready about times you excelled in past roles or handled challenging situations.
  • Show Your Passion: Whether it’s about mixology or providing a fantastic customer experience, let your enthusiasm shine through.
  • Understand the Bar’s Identity: Do some research on the bar’s theme, popular drinks, and customer reviews.
  • Practice Safe Serving: Be ready to discuss how you prioritize the safe serving of alcohol and handle difficult situations.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the specific role (e.g., mixologist, bartender, barback) is crucial for both recruiters and candidates.
  • Soft skills, especially customer service and teamwork, are as essential as technical bartending skills.
  • Practical tests can be a useful tool for recruiters to assess candidate proficiency.
  • Preparation, from knowing drinks to understanding the bar’s identity, can set candidates apart.
  • Safety and responsible serving are non-negotiable aspects of the job.
  • Recruiters should prioritize behavior-based questions to gauge a candidate’s real-world responses.
  • Candidates should highlight their adaptability and problem-solving skills, as bars can be fast-paced environments.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. Why are you interested in this bar position?
  2. Describe your previous experience working in a bar.
  3. How do you handle a difficult or unruly customer?
  4. How do you prioritize tasks during a busy shift?
  5. What is your favorite cocktail to make and why?
  6. How do you handle feedback or criticism from your supervisor?
  7. Can you recall a particularly busy night and how you managed it?
  8. How do you ensure consistency in the drinks you serve?
  9. How do you stay updated with the latest trends in the bar industry?
  10. How do you manage inventory and stock?

Research the establishment’s theme and popular drinks, refresh your memory on cocktail recipes, practice mock scenarios involving customer service, and review any certifications or training you’ve acquired.

Recruiters should look for a blend of technical skills, customer service experience, adaptability, and a genuine passion for the industry.

The most crucial quality is adaptability, as the bar environment can be unpredictable, and staff should be prepared to handle a variety of situations with poise.

Candidates should approach feedback with an open mind, considering it an opportunity to learn and improve, and should avoid getting defensive.

Picture of Dominik Bartoszek

Dominik Bartoszek

8+ years Digital Marketer driven by data & AI. Helping restaurants grow more through online orders.

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