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15 Ways to Track & Reduce Food Waste in Restaurants (Real Examples)


Welcome to a culinary journey that transcends the traditional flavors and takes a bold step towards sustainability. In the bustling realm of restaurants, where the harmony of taste and ambiance is crafted daily, there exists a challenge – the battle against food waste. 

Yet, it’s a challenge not met with resignation but with innovation. Join us on this gastronomic odyssey as we unveil ten remarkable methods to both monitor and curtail food waste in restaurants. In this article, we’ll unravel a tapestry of strategies that not only reduce food waste but also nurture a more environmentally conscious and profitable dining experience. 

Food waste in restaurants is a growing problem in the food industry

What Causes Food Waste in Restaurants?

Food waste in the restaurant industry is a pressing issue that affects both the environment and the bottom line. Understanding the root causes of food waste is the first step toward finding effective solutions. In this blog, we’ll dive into the various factors contributing to food waste in restaurants and explore how businesses can address these challenges.

Some of the most common causes of food waste include:

  • Overproduction Woes: One of the leading culprits behind food waste in restaurants is overproduction. Chefs and kitchen staff often prepare too much food, fearing they might run out during busy periods. 
  • The Portion Predicament: Portion sizes play a crucial role in restaurant food waste. Generous portions are often appreciated by customers, but they can also lead to uneaten food left on plates. 
  • Inefficient Processes: Inefficiencies in kitchen processes can also contribute to food waste. Mismanagement, lack of communication, and disorganized workflows can lead to food spoilage or improper storage. Ensuring that the kitchen operates like a well-oiled machine is essential for waste reduction.
  • Spoilage and Storage Issues: Food spoilage is another common cause of waste. Ingredients or prepared dishes may spoil before they can be used, often due to inadequate storage conditions or prolonged shelf life. Proper storage practices are critical to prevent spoilage and extend the usability of ingredients.
  • Customer Preferences and Behaviors: While it’s challenging to predict customers’ preferences and behaviors accurately, these factors play a significant role in food waste. Customers may order dishes and not finish them, or they may send back food for various reasons. 
  • Menu Changes and Inventory Management: Frequent menu changes can result in ingredients purchased for specific dishes becoming obsolete. Effective inventory management is essential to ensure that ingredients are used efficiently, reducing the likelihood of food waste.

How can Restaurants Track Food Waste?

Why do restaurants throw away food may be caused by a lack of food waste management

Food waste is a challenge that restaurants face daily. Not only does it impact profitability, but it also raises environmental concerns. The good news is that there are effective ways for restaurants to track and manage food waste. 

Here’s how restaurants can save money and track food loss and waste:

  • Implement Waste Tracking Systems: Modern technology has made it easier than ever to track food waste. Many restaurant management software and inventory systems come equipped with waste tracking features.
  • Measure Plate Waste: One of the most direct ways to track food waste in restaurants is by measuring plate waste. Train your staff to estimate the percentage of food left on customers’ plates. 
  • Conduct Regular Waste Audits: Regular waste audits involve physically sorting and weighing food waste. These audits can be eye-opening, as they reveal precisely what’s being discarded and why. 
  • Monitor Inventory Closely: Effective inventory management can significantly reduce waste. Keep a close eye on inventory turnover rates and ensure that perishable items are used before their expiration dates. 
  • Train Staff to Reduce Waste: Your staff plays a crucial role in minimizing food waste. Train them to handle ingredients and dishes with care, emphasizing the importance of portion control. Encourage communication between the kitchen and waitstaff to avoid overordering or underutilizing ingredients.

Food Waste in Restaurants (Numbers)

An example of restaurant food waste

Behind the bustling kitchens, mouth-watering dishes, and the savory aroma of restaurants lies a silent culprit – food waste. It’s a challenge that the restaurant industry faces on a daily basis, impacting not only the bottom line but also the environment and societal values.

From the staggering amounts of wasted food to the financial toll it takes, these figures underscore the urgent need for change in the way restaurants manage their precious resources.

“Food waste is a significant problem for the restaurant industry, with an estimated 11.4 million tons of food being wasted every year in the United States alone.” Source: Move For Hunger 

“But in spite of the fact that as much as 10 percent of the food a restaurant buys ends up in landfills, hardly anyone in the restaurant industry gives it a second thought.” Source: >NPR 

What Causes Food Waste in the Restaurant Industry?

In order to find ways to reduce food waste, it’s important to look at the causes first

Unlike household waste, one of the primary causes of food waste in restaurants is producing too much food. To ensure they don’t run out of popular dishes during busy times, many restaurants prepare more food than necessary. 

While having more food produced can keep customers satisfied, it often results in surplus, unsold food. Almost every food and agriculture organization agrees that generous portion sizes, another common practice, can also contribute to waste when customers can’t finish their meals. 

Finding solutions to food waste starts with better management approaches

When focusing on reducing wasted food, restaurants can analyze customer demand patterns, track food waste, and adjust their food production accordingly, striving for a balance between meeting customer expectations and minimizing waste. However, that’s not the only thing that causes food waste in the restaurant industry.

  • Menu Changes and Food Spoilage: Frequent changes to a restaurant’s menu can lead to the disposal of ingredients that are no longer needed. As seasonal dishes give way to new offerings, unused ingredients from previous menus can go to waste. 
  • Consumer Behavior and Inadequate Storage: Customer behavior also plays a role in food waste. Uneaten portions, dietary restrictions, and shifting preferences can lead to unfinished meals, contributing to restaurant food waste. 
  • Expiration Dates and Inefficient Practices: Restaurants sometimes discard food prematurely due to misinterpreting or ignoring expiration dates. Inefficient kitchen practices, such as inadequate training or suboptimal processes, can also lead to mistakes and wasted ingredients. 
  • Supplier Practices and Buffet Services: Supplier-related challenges, such as inaccurate orders or low-quality products, can contribute to food wasted in restaurants. Additionally, buffet-style and self-service restaurants may witness more leftover food, as customers tend to take more than they can consume. 

How to Reduce Food Waste in Restaurants?

Minimizing food waste is a challenge that the restaurant industry has grappled with for years. It’s not just about the economic impact, although that’s significant; it’s also about our responsibility to the environment and the ethical imperative to feed the hungry. 

But there’s hope. Here are 15 ways to reduce discarded food in restaurants. It’s time to trim the fat from your food costs and stop throwing away perfectly edible food, one conscientious step at a time.

1. Implement a Food Inventory System

Reduce food waste by implementing a food inventory system

Waste and food costs cause a significant issue in the restaurant industry, impacting both profitability and sustainability. One effective strategy for tackling this problem is the implementation of a food inventory system. Let’s explore how such a system can help restaurants reduce waste.

  1. Precise Inventory Tracking: A well-designed food inventory system allows restaurants to track their inventory with precision. It provides real-time insights into what ingredients are in stock, their quantities, and their expiration dates. 
  2. Minimized Overstocking: Overstocking is a common cause of food waste. When restaurants order more ingredients than they can use within a reasonable timeframe, those surplus items often end up discarded. A food inventory system helps restaurants establish par levels for each ingredient, ensuring they maintain sufficient stock without excessive surplus.
  3. Improved Shelf-Life Management: Ingredients, especially perishables, have limited shelf lives. With a food inventory system, restaurants can easily monitor the shelf life of items in stock. 
  4. Enhanced Menu Planning: By having a clear picture of available ingredients, restaurants can plan their menus more efficiently. They can design dishes that utilize ingredients currently in stock, reducing the need to order additional items. 
  5. Reduced Food Theft and Food Losses: In some cases, food waste occurs due to unauthorized access or mishandling of ingredients. A food system can track inventory changes and help identify discrepancies or potential issues related to theft or mishandling. 
  6. Streamlined Ordering Process: A food inventory system streamlines the ordering process by providing insights into which items are running low or need restocking. This eliminates the guesswork associated with ordering and helps prevent situations where critical ingredients are unavailable, leading to menu changes and food waste.
  7. Data-Driven Decision-Making: Data collected by a food inventory system can inform decision-making. Restaurants can analyze usage patterns, identify trends, and make informed choices about menu offerings and purchasing decisions. 

2. Train Staff

Training staff effectively is one of the best ways to reduce food waste

Efforts to reduce waste in restaurants often start with the staff. Proper training can empower restaurant employees to make conscious choices that minimize waste. Let’s delve into how training staff can be a valuable strategy in this regard.

  1. Awareness and Education: Training sessions should begin with raising awareness about the issue of food waste. Staff should understand the environmental, ethical, and financial implications of wasting food. 
  2. Portion Control: Staff should be trained in portion control techniques to ensure that dishes are served with appropriate portions. This helps prevent over-serving, which can lead to unfinished plates and wasted food.
  3. Inventory Management: Employees responsible for inventory management should receive comprehensive training. This includes monitoring stock levels, recognizing signs of spoilage, and managing the “first in, first out” (FIFO) rule to ensure older ingredients are used before newer ones.
  4. Menu Knowledge: Front-of-house staff should have in-depth knowledge of the menu. This enables them to provide accurate descriptions of dishes to customers and answer questions about ingredients, helping customers make informed choices and reduce food sent back due to incorrect expectations.
  5. Effective Communication: Encourage open communication among staff regarding ingredient availability and freshness. Chefs and kitchen staff should inform servers about any specials or items that need to be prioritized to prevent them from going to waste.

3. Offer Smaller Portions

Offer smaller portions to have less food thrown away

One effective strategy to combat restaurant food waste is to offer smaller portions to customers. This approach not only aligns with the growing trend of health-conscious dining but also contributes to significant waste reduction. Here’s how it works:

  1. Right-Sized Servings: By offering smaller portion sizes, restaurants provide customers with an option that better matches their appetite. Many diners appreciate the choice to enjoy a fulfilling meal without the pressure of finishing a large plate of food.
  2. Reduced Plate Waste: Smaller portions mean less food left on the plate at the end of the meal. Customers are more likely to finish what they order, which reduces plate waste and the amount of uneaten food that ends up in the trash.
  3. Customization: Allowing customers to choose portion sizes can enhance their dining experience. It caters to individual preferences, making them feel valued and appreciated by the restaurant.
  4. Food Cost Control: Smaller portions require fewer ingredients, resulting in lower food costs for the restaurant. This not only reduces expenses but also minimizes the financial impact of potential food spoilage.
  5. Consistent Quality: Smaller portions ensure that every dish served is of consistently high quality. Restaurants can focus on preparing smaller quantities of food with greater attention to detail, leading to improved overall food quality.
  6. Reduced Overproduction: Smaller portion sizes can help kitchens produce food more efficiently. Chefs can prepare meals to order, reducing the need to cook in large batches that can lead to overproduction.
  7. Enhanced Menu Variety: Offering a range of portion sizes allows restaurants to diversify their menu and accommodate various customer preferences. This can attract a wider customer base, including those who prefer lighter or more substantial meals.

4. Implement a “Specials” Strategy

Implement specials to reduce food waste in restaurants

Implementing a “specials” and menu pricing strategy in your restaurant can be an effective way to combat food waste. By creatively managing and marketing surplus ingredients, restaurants can minimize waste while offering unique dining experiences. Here’s how:

  1. Feature Surplus Ingredients: Identify ingredients in your kitchen that are close to their expiration date or in surplus. Create daily or weekly specials that incorporate these items. 
  2. Seasonal Specials: Design specials around seasonal produce or ingredients. This not only aligns with the availability of fresh ingredients but also encourages diners to try something new and exciting.
  3. Market Exclusivity: Promote your specials as exclusive offerings available for a limited time with the help of restaurant marketing tools. Create a sense of urgency that encourages customers to try them before they’re gone. This marketing approach can increase sales of specials.
  4. Customer Engagement: Engage with your customers by announcing specials on your website, social media, or through email marketing. Share the story behind each special, emphasizing its limited availability and the sustainable aspect of reducing food waste.
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5. Embrace Nose-to-Tail and Root-to-Stem Cooking

Root-to-stem cooking is a great way to reduce food waste in restaurants

Nose-to-tail and root-to-stem cooking are culinary philosophies that embrace the use of every part of an ingredient, from root to leaf or from nose to tail, to minimize food waste. In the restaurant industry, adopting these practices can significantly reduce waste, lower food costs, and contribute to a more sustainable approach to cooking. Here’s how these methods work:

  1. Nose-to-Tail Cooking: Nose-to-tail cooking primarily applies to meat-based dishes, where every part of the animal is used, minimizing waste. Here’s how it can be implemented:
  • Whole Animal Butchery: Instead of buying pre-cut meat portions, consider whole animal butchery. This approach allows chefs to use cuts that are often overlooked, such as offal (organs), bones for stock, and tougher cuts for braising.
  • Creative Dishes: Develop creative dishes that incorporate less common cuts. For example, beef heart can be marinated and grilled to create a unique and flavorful dish. This not only reduces waste but also offers customers distinctive menu options.
  • Soup Stock and Broths: Utilize bones, cartilage, and meat scraps to make flavorful stocks and broths. These can serve as bases for soups, sauces, and risottos, enhancing the overall dining experience.
  • Educate Staff and Customers: Train your kitchen staff to work with a wider range of ingredients, and educate customers about the benefits of nose-to-tail cooking. Share the restaurant sustainability aspect and the rich flavors that these cuts can bring to dishes.
  1. Root-to-Stem Cooking: Root-to-stem cooking applies to plant-based ingredients and focuses on using the entire vegetable, minimizing waste. Here’s how it can be implemented:
  • Creative Side Dishes: Create inventive side dishes or small plates that feature vegetable parts that are often discarded, like carrot tops or broccoli stems. These can add color, flavor, and nutrition to your menu.
  • Pickling and Preserving: Preserve vegetable scraps by pickling or fermenting them. Pickled watermelon rinds or preserved citrus peels can be unique additions to your dishes.
  • Homemade Condiments: Craft homemade condiments like pesto, chimichurri, or salsa verde using herb stems and other typically unused parts. These can elevate the flavors of your main dishes.

6. Regularly Review and Update Menus

Reduce food waste by regularly updating your menu

In the dynamic world of the restaurant industry, where customer preferences, seasonal ingredients, and culinary trends evolve, regularly reviewing and updating menus and menu categories is not only good practice but also a powerful strategy to reduce food waste. 

Here’s how this approach can help in minimizing waste while keeping your menu fresh and appealing:

  1. Seasonal Menu Adjustments:
  • Ingredient Availability: Seasonal menus capitalize on the availability of fresh, locally sourced ingredients. By aligning your menu with what’s in season, you reduce the risk of overstocking on items that may go to waste.
  • Reduced Surpluses: A seasonal menu ensures that ingredients are used at their peak freshness. This reduces the likelihood of items spoiling before they are used up.
  • Diverse Selection: Rotating your menu with the seasons allows you to showcase a variety of ingredients and flavors, keeping your offerings interesting to repeat customers.
  1. Limited-Time Specials:
  • Creative Use of Ingredients: Weekly or monthly specials can provide a platform for your chefs to creatively use surplus or less common ingredients. For instance, a special featuring “chef’s choice” can help utilize leftover vegetables or proteins in innovative ways.
  • Urgency and Exclusivity: Limited-time specials create a sense of urgency and exclusivity, encouraging diners to try something unique. This can help reduce the need to stock a wide array of ingredients at all times.
  • Testing New Dishes: Specials are also an excellent way to test potential permanent menu additions. This minimizes the risk of introducing a dish that may not resonate with your customers.

7. Monitor Plate Returns

Monitoring plate returns can help track how much food do restaurants waste

Efforts to reduce food waste in restaurants often focus on kitchen operations and ingredient management. However, an equally important aspect is monitoring plate returns. This strategy involves keeping a close eye on the number of dishes returned by customers, understanding the reasons behind these returns, and taking steps to address them. Here’s how monitoring plate returns can significantly reduce restaurant food waste:

  1. Identify Over-Portioning:
  • Excess Portions: When customers return food due to over-portioning, it indicates that the dish was too large for them to finish. By recognizing these patterns, you can adjust portion sizes to align with customer appetites, reducing plate waste.
  • Right-Sized Meals: Offering well-proportioned meals encourages diners to finish their plates, minimizing both food waste and costs associated with oversized portions.
  1. Address Preparation Errors:
  • Quality Control: Plate returns can signal issues with food quality or preparation errors, such as overcooking, undercooking, or incorrect seasoning. Addressing these issues promptly prevents the repetition of errors that lead to food waste.
  • Training Opportunities: Analyzing returns can highlight the need for staff training in food preparation techniques and consistency, leading to improved food quality and customer satisfaction.
  1. Manage Allergies and Dietary Restrictions:
  • Allergen Awareness: Returned dishes due to allergies or dietary restrictions not being accommodated demonstrate the importance of accurate communication between staff and the kitchen. Implementing stringent protocols to address these concerns can reduce waste.
  • Customization Options: Offering customizable menu options allows customers to tailor their orders to their dietary needs, reducing the likelihood of uneaten food being returned.
  1. Evaluate Menu Choices:
  • Unpopular Dishes: Plate returns can indicate which menu items are less popular or not meeting customer expectations. Consider reevaluating these dishes or modifying them to align with customer preferences.
  • Seasonal Adjustments: Regularly updating the menu, as mentioned in a previous tip, can also help address the popularity of certain dishes and reduce food waste from items that consistently return to the kitchen.
  1. Check Reviews
  • Get More Reviews: Encourage clients to leave Google restaurant reviews by reaching out to them via SMS or email after they’ve ordered. That way, you’ll know which dishes aren’t popular and if you should modify them or remove them entirely. 

8. Use Food Storage Containers

Using food storage containers is one of the best food waste solutions

Efficient food storage is an essential practice in the restaurant industry, not only for preserving food safety but also for reducing food waste. One of the primary ways to achieve this is by using food storage containers strategically. Here’s how implementing the right containers can contribute to a significant reduction in restaurant food waste:

  1. Maintain Freshness:
  • Airtight Sealing: Food storage containers with airtight seals help preserve the freshness of ingredients and prepared dishes, reducing the likelihood of spoilage and waste.
  • Proper Temperature: Containers designed for cold or hot storage can maintain the correct temperature of food items, preventing premature deterioration.
  1. Prevent Cross-Contamination:
  • Color Coding: Using color-coded containers for different food types (e.g., red for meat, green for vegetables) can minimize the risk of cross-contamination. This ensures that food remains safe to use and minimizes waste due to safety concerns.
  1. Portion Control:
  • Pre-portioned Storage: By portioning ingredients or dishes before storage, restaurants can avoid overusing items or having to throw away unused portions. This practice also aids in controlling portion sizes during meal preparation.
  1. FIFO Organization:
  • First-In, First-Out (FIFO): Implementing a FIFO system with food storage containers ensures that older items are used first, reducing the chance of items reaching their expiration dates before use.

9. Donate Excess Food

Donating food can reduce food waste in restaurants

Food waste in the restaurant industry is a significant concern, but one effective strategy to combat it is by donating food to those in need. Here’s how donating surplus food can contribute to reducing restaurant food waste:

  1. Community Engagement:
  • Social Responsibility: Donating food not only reduces waste but also demonstrates a restaurant’s commitment to social responsibility. This positive image can enhance the restaurant’s reputation in the community.
  • Community Ties: Collaborating with local food banks or shelters fosters strong ties with the community, potentially attracting more customers who appreciate businesses that give back.
  1. Legal Protections:
  • Good Samaritan Laws: Many regions have Good Samaritan laws that protect restaurants from liability when donating food in good faith. Understanding these laws can reassure restaurants about the safety of food donation.
  1. Tax Benefits:
  • Tax Deductions: In some places, restaurants can receive tax deductions for food donations, providing a financial incentive to participate in food rescue programs.
  1. Reducing Environmental Impact:
  • Less Landfill Waste: Donating surplus food diverts it from ending up in landfills, where it contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. This action aligns with sustainability goals.
  1. Addressing Hunger:
  • Feeding the Needy: Food donations directly benefit people who struggle with hunger, helping to combat food insecurity in the local community.

10. Educate Customers

Educating clients about restaurant wastecan help to reduce it

Reducing food waste in restaurants requires a multi-pronged approach, and educating customers plays a pivotal role in this endeavor. Here’s how educating diners can help reduce food waste in restaurants:

  1. Portion Awareness: Waitstaff can inform customers about portion sizes, encouraging them to order what they can comfortably finish. Mentioning options for half portions or sharing plates can help.
  2. Encouraging Takeout: Diners can be educated about the benefits of taking home leftovers. Providing to-go containers and suggesting taking uneaten portions can significantly reduce plate waste.
  3. Menu Guidance: Menus can include descriptions that indicate dish sizes or ingredients prone to leftovers. For example, mentioning that a dish is shareable or “generous” can set expectations.
  4. Responsible Ordering: Waitstaff can ask diners if they have dietary restrictions or preferences to avoid unnecessary food substitutions or waste.
  5. Sustainable Practices: Restaurants can share their sustainability efforts, such as food sourcing and waste reduction initiatives, on menus or through staff communication. Educating customers about these practices can foster appreciation for responsible dining.

restaurant food waste

11. Reduce Overstocking

Avoiding overstocking is one of the best food waste solutions

Overstocking is a common issue in the restaurant industry that can lead to excessive food waste. By implementing strategies to control inventory levels and minimize overstocking, restaurants can significantly reduce their food waste. Here’s how:

  1. Efficient Inventory Management: Conduct a food waste audit to track the quantities of ingredients and perishables in stock. This helps identify excess stock that needs to be used promptly.
  2. Just-In-Time Ordering: Adopt a just-in-time ordering system, where you order ingredients as you need them rather than stockpiling. This minimizes the risk of ingredients becoming outdated.
  3. Vendor Communication: Collaborative Partnerships: Maintain open communication with suppliers and vendors. Inform them of your inventory needs and seasonal fluctuations to prevent overdeliveries.

12. Practice FIFO

Use the FIFO method to reduce food waste

Practicing FIFO (First-In-First-Out) is a crucial strategy in the restaurant industry to reduce food waste. This method ensures that older food items are used or sold before newer ones, minimizing the risk of ingredients becoming spoiled or outdated. Here’s how implementing FIFO can effectively reduce food waste:

  1. Ensures Freshness: FIFO ensures that the oldest ingredients are used first, guaranteeing that all the food served to customers is fresh and of high quality. This enhances the dining experience and reduces the likelihood of edible food being discarded due to spoilage.
  2. Prevents Overstocking: By using older stock first, restaurants avoid overstocking their inventory. Overstocking can lead to ingredients expiring or becoming unusable before they are consumed, resulting in unnecessary waste.
  3. Reduces Spoilage: Perishable items like vegetables, dairy products, and meats have a limited shelf life. Implementing FIFO minimizes the chances of these items going bad before they are utilized, reducing spoilage and waste.
  4. Maximizes Ingredient Use: FIFO encourages chefs and kitchen staff to incorporate older ingredients into menu items or specials, ensuring that these items are used efficiently and creatively. This prevents ingredients from going unused or being discarded.
  5. Cost Savings: Minimizing food waste through FIFO translates into cost savings for the restaurant. Wasted food represents lost revenue, and by optimizing ingredient use, restaurants can increase their profitability.

13. Embrace Preservation Techniques

Restaurants can reduce food waste by implementing proper preservation techniques

Preservation techniques are valuable tools that can significantly reduce food waste in restaurants. These methods focus on extending the shelf life of ingredients, allowing restaurants to make the most of their valuable resources while minimizing spoilage and waste. Here’s how preservation techniques can effectively reduce food waste in restaurant operations:

  1. Refrigeration and Freezing: Proper refrigeration and freezing are fundamental preservation methods. Restaurants can store food items at controlled temperatures to slow down the growth of bacteria and extend the freshness of ingredients. 
  2. Vacuum Sealing: Vacuum sealing removes air from food packaging, creating an airtight seal that prevents the growth of bacteria and oxidation. This technique is particularly useful for preserving meats, fish, and other perishables, as it extends their shelf life.
  3. Canning and Jarring: Canning and jarring involve sealing food in airtight containers and then heating them to kill bacteria and enzymes. This method preserves a wide range of foods, including fruits, vegetables, sauces, and jams, for long periods.
  4. Pickling: Pickling involves preserving food in a solution of vinegar, salt, and spices. This technique is commonly used for vegetables like cucumbers, onions, and peppers, as well as for fruits. Pickled items have an extended shelf life and can be used as condiments or ingredients in various dishes.
  5. Drying and Dehydrating: Removing moisture from food through drying or dehydrating inhibits the growth of bacteria and molds. Dried fruits, vegetables, herbs, and even meats are versatile ingredients that can be used in numerous culinary applications.

14. Optimize Kitchen Processes

Optimizing kitchen process can help reduce food waste in restaurants

Optimizing kitchen processes is essential for minimizing food waste in restaurants. Streamlining operations and improving efficiency not only minimizes the chances of ingredients going to waste but also enhances overall productivity. Here are several ways in which optimizing kitchen processes can effectively reduce waste:

  1. Inventory Management: Implement a robust inventory management system that tracks ingredients in real-time. Regularly update inventory levels, and use the “first in, first out” (FIFO) method to ensure older ingredients are used before newer ones.
  2. Menu Planning: Design a menu that utilizes common ingredients across multiple dishes. This reduces the need for a wide variety of ingredients and ensures that everything in stock gets used efficiently.
  3. Portion Control: Train kitchen staff to use precise portion sizes, reducing the risk of over-portioning and plate waste. Consistent portioning also maintains food costs and quality.
  4. Preparation Efficiency: Optimize prep work by organizing tasks logically. Ensure that ingredients are prepped, food labels are added, and ready for use during service hours to minimize last-minute scrambling and potential waste.
  5. Effective Communication: Foster clear communication between the front-of-house and back-of-house staff. Ensure that servers relay accurate information about customer orders to the kitchen, minimizing order errors that can lead to wasted food.

15. Implement the Latest Restaurant Technologies

Restaurant technologies are the top food waste solutions

Implementing the latest restaurant technologies can play a crucial role in minimizing food waste in restaurants by enhancing efficiency, improving inventory management, and providing valuable insights into customer preferences. Here’s how various technological solutions, including a food ordering system for delivery, restaurant inventory management software, and tracking food popularity, can contribute to waste reduction:

1. Online Ordering for Delivery and Takeout:

  • Precise Order Management: Online ordering systems enable accurate order-taking, reducing the chances of order errors that can lead to wasted food.
  • Real-Time Inventory Sync: These systems sync with inventory management software, ensuring that customers only order items currently in stock.

2. Inventory Management Software:

  • Real-Time Tracking: Advanced inventory management tools provide real-time tracking of ingredient quantities, helping kitchen staff use ingredients efficiently.
  • Forecasting: Predictive analytics can forecast ingredient usage, reducing over-purchasing and minimizing the risk of ingredients going unused.

3. Reports and Analytics:

  • Sales Data Analysis: Detailed restaurant reports can highlight which menu items are most and least popular. This information can guide menu adjustments to reduce the production of less popular dishes.
  • Inventory Reports: Regularly generated reports can identify trends in ingredient usage, enabling better inventory control and waste prevention.

4. Kitchen Display Systems (KDS):

  • Efficient Order Processing: KDS streamlines order processing in the kitchen, ensuring that dishes are prepared promptly and reducing the likelihood of overcooking or waste.

5. Temperature and Quality Monitoring:

  • IoT Devices: Internet of Things (IoT) sensors can monitor temperature and humidity in storage areas, alerting staff to conditions that might spoil ingredients.
  • Quality Assurance: Sensors can also be used to track the quality of perishable items, helping staff use them before they deteriorate.

6. Menu Engineering Software:

  • Optimized Menus: These tools analyze the profitability of each menu item. Restaurants can adjust portion sizes or pricing to minimize waste.
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  • Efficiently tracking your restaurant’s inventory can significantly reduce food waste by helping you order only what you need.
  • Periodically reviewing and updating your menu based on item popularity can minimize waste from underperforming dishes.
  • Offering smaller portions or the option for customers to choose portion sizes can reduce waste while satisfying varying appetites.
  • Properly trained staff can handle food more efficiently, reducing waste through better food handling and storage practices.
  • Implementing a “specials” strategy allows you to use surplus ingredients creatively, minimizing waste.
  • Utilizing the entire ingredient, from root to stem, can reduce waste and result in innovative, sustainable dishes.
  • Carefully designing your menu layout and descriptions can steer customers toward items with higher profit margins, reducing waste and boosting revenue.
  • Keeping an eye on returned plates can help identify unpopular dishes and reduce waste.


Restaurants calculate waste to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and for environmental sustainability. There are various types of waste in a restaurant, including food waste, packaging waste, and energy waste, all of which impact climate change and affect natural resources. 

Here’s how restaurants typically approach calculating waste:

  1. Physical Food Waste Audit: Measure the weight or volume of food waste over a set period (daily, weekly, monthly). This waste can further be categorized into:
    • Prep Waste: Waste generated during the preparation of food.
    • Plate Waste: Food left uneaten by customers.
    • Spoilage: Food that has gone bad before it could be used.
    • Expired: Food items that have passed their use-by or best-before dates.
  2. Track Inventory: Use inventory management systems to keep track of products bought and used.Analyzing discrepancies between what was bought, what was used, and what remains can help identify sources of waste.
  3. Financial Metrics: Calculate the cost of wasted food to understand the financial impact.This can help prioritize areas to address based on financial implications.
  4. Waste Logs: Employees are trained to log whenever food is wasted, explaining the reason. This provides a qualitative aspect to the waste calculation, helping in identifying root causes.
  5. Packaging Waste: Assess the waste generated from disposable items like cutlery, containers for packaged foods, straws, etc. Measure by volume or weight.

    Food waste in restaurants refers to any food that is discarded, lost, or uneaten. It encompasses a range of items and situations, from raw materials that go unused to prepared dishes that customers don’t finish. The specific definition might vary slightly depending on the context or regulatory framework, but generally, waste in restaurants includes:

    • Prep Waste: These are food scraps and other materials discarded during the preparation of meals. Examples include vegetable peelings, meat trimmings, and any other parts of raw ingredients that are not used in the final dish.
    • Plate Waste: This is food that was served to the customer but was not consumed. It’s the food left behind on a diner’s plate after they’ve finished eating.
    • Spoilage: This refers to food that has deteriorated to the point where it is no longer safe or palatable to eat. For example, fruits and vegetables that have rotted or meat that has gone bad before it could be cooked.
    • Overproduction: Sometimes, restaurants prepare more dishes than are sold. This surplus food, if not consumed or repurposed, becomes waste. Too much waste can eventually create potent greenhouse gas.
    • Expired Items: These are food products that have passed their use-by or best-before dates and, depending on the nature of the product, might no longer be safe to consume. All grocery stores are required by law to dispose of such food items.

    Waste in restaurants isn’t limited to just food. There’s a broad spectrum of waste types, both tangible and intangible, generated in a restaurant environment. Here’s a breakdown of various types of waste typically found in restaurants:

    1. Food Waste:

    • Prep Waste: Scraps and trimmings discarded during meal preparation.
    • Plate Waste: Food left uneaten by customers.
    • Spoilage: Food items that go bad before being used.
    • Overproduction: Excess food prepared that doesn’t get sold.
    • Expired Items: Food past its use-by or best-before date.
    • Contaminated Food: Food that gets compromised, e.g., by being dropped on the floor or coming into contact with raw meat.

    2. Packaging Waste:

    • Single-use Plastics: Straws, utensils, plastic bags, takeout containers, etc.
    • Supplier Packaging: Cardboard boxes, plastic wrap, and other packaging from ingredients and products delivered to the restaurant.
    • Bottles and Cans: Both from beverages sold and ingredients used. Disposable Napkins, Wipes, and Paper Towels.

    3. Operational Waste:

    • Broken Equipment: Damaged kitchen appliances, furniture, and utensils.
    • Used Cooking Oil: Typically requires special disposal or can be recycled into biofuel.
    • Cleaning Supplies: Empty containers from cleaning agents, used sponges, and so on.

    4. Energy Waste:

    • Excessive Heating/Cooling: Improper use of HVAC systems or lack of proper insulation.
    • Wasteful Lighting: Using non-energy-efficient lighting or keeping lights on unnecessarily.
    • Inefficient Appliances: Using older appliances that consume more power than newer, energy-efficient ones.

    5. Water Waste:

    • Leaky Faucets: Can lead to substantial water waste over time.
    • Excessive Dishwashing: Not optimizing the dishwashing process can lead to wasted water.

    Minimizing food waste in the food industry is crucial for environmental sustainability, cost savings, and ethical reasons. Various strategies can be employed across the supply chain, from food producers to human consumption, to curb food wastage. Here are some effective measures:

    1. Inventory Management:

    • Track and Monitor: Use inventory management software to monitor food usage, expiration dates, and stock levels.
    • FIFO (First In, First Out): Ensure that older stock is used before newer stock to reduce spoilage.

    2. Food Storage:

    • Optimal Storage: Store products at the right temperature and conditions to maximize shelf life.
    • Vacuum Sealing: Use vacuum sealing to extend the life of certain foods.
    • Regular Inspection: Regularly check storage areas for signs of spoilage or pest activity.

    3. Menu Planning and Portion Control:

    • Flexible Menus: Use menus that can be adjusted based on available ingredients.
    • Smaller Portions: Offer smaller portion sizes to give customers more choices and reduce plate waste.
    • Batch Cooking: Prepare food in smaller batches more frequently to avoid overproduction.

    4. Employee Training:

    • Waste Awareness: Train staff on the importance of waste reduction and provide guidelines.
    • Efficient Prep: Teach chefs and kitchen staff efficient food preparation techniques to minimize waste.

    5. Donations and Partnerships:

    • Donate Excess: Collaborate with local charities or food banks to donate unsold, but still edible, food.
    • Farmers and Suppliers: Work closely with suppliers and farmers to streamline orders and reduce surplus.

    Zero waste restaurants aim to operate without sending any trash to landfills. They implement sustainable practices throughout the entirety of their operations, from sourcing to serving. Here’s how zero waste restaurants typically work:

    1. Sourcing and Procurement:

    • Local and Seasonal Ingredients: Source ingredients locally and seasonally to reduce the environmental impact of transportation and storage.
    • Bulk Purchasing: Buy ingredients in bulk to reduce packaging waste.
    • Direct Relationships with Suppliers: Collaborate with suppliers who share the same zero-waste philosophy and can deliver products in reusable containers or packaging.

    2. Menu Design:

    • Dynamic Menus: Menus change based on the availability of seasonal and local ingredients.
    • Whole Ingredient Cooking: Utilize as much of an ingredient as possible (e.g., using carrot tops to make pesto).

    3. Food Preparation and Storage:

    • Reduce Overproduction: Cook in small batches and adjust based on demand.
    • Efficient Storage: Use storage techniques and equipment that reduce the need for single-use plastics (e.g., beeswax wraps, glass containers).

    4. Serve and Dine:

    • Reusable Serve-ware: Use reusable plates, glasses, cutlery, and napkins.
    • Avoid Single-Use Items: No plastic straws, stirrers, or disposable napkins. If needed, provide compostable or reusable alternatives.
    • Portion Control: Serve reasonable portion sizes to reduce plate waste.

    5. Waste Management:

    • Composting: All organic waste, like food scraps, is composted.
    • Recycling: Ensure proper segregation and recycling of materials.
    • On-site Treatment: Some restaurants have on-site systems, like biodigesters, to handle organic waste.

    6. Water and Energy Efficiency:

    • Use water-saving appliances and fixtures.
    • Opt for energy-efficient kitchen equipment and lighting.
    Picture of Juliusz Dzierlatka

    Juliusz Dzierlatka

    Digital content creator with +7 years experience in marketing, helping restaurants streamline daily operations.

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