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Restaurant Public Relations: Proven Strategies to Grow Your Brand


In today’s competitive hospitality industry, the role of “restaurant public relation” cannot be understated. A well-executed PR strategy is an integral part of any restaurant’s success, setting it apart from many restaurants that solely rely on traditional restaurant advertising

With the right PR approach, restaurants can craft a positive image, harness the power of earned media, and ensure a cost-effective brand boost. 

Let’s dive into the details of how PR for restaurants works.

What is Restaurant Public Relations?

Restaurant public relations - what it is?

Restaurant public relations revolve around managing the restaurant’s image and relationship with the public. 

Unlike traditional advertising, where restaurants pay to showcase their brand, public relations focus on naturally earning a positive reputation through genuine endorsements, media coverage, and direct engagement with the community. 

Differences between restaurant advertising and PR

1. Nature of the Content

  • Advertising: Requires a restaurant marketing budget for placements, designs, and media buying.
  • PR: Centers around earned or organic content, such as news stories, features, or reviews about the restaurant.

2. Control

  • Advertising: Restaurants have complete control over their ads’ message, placement, and frequency.
  • PR: Control is limited as it’s up to journalists, bloggers, or other third parties to decide how they will present the restaurant in their content.

3. Cost

  • Advertising: Requires a budget for placements, designs, and media buying.
  • PR: While costs may be involved, like hiring a PR agency, the main goal is to get coverage without paying for placements directly.

4. Duration and Frequency

  • Advertising: It runs for a specific duration based on the campaign length and is consistent.
  • PR: This can have a longer-lasting impact, especially if the coverage is online, but the frequency is less predictable.

5. Credibility

  • Advertising: Since it’s known that advertisements are paid for, some consumers may approach them with skepticism.
  • PR: Generally seen as more credible because it comes from a third-party source, not the restaurant itself.

6. Purpose

  • Advertising: Primarily focused on driving sales, bookings, or other direct actions.
  • PR: Aims to build and maintain a positive reputation, manage crisis situations, and foster good relations with the public.

7. Medium

  • Advertising: Often found in magazines, newspapers, TV, radio, billboards, online ads, and social media promoted posts.
  • PR: Seen in news articles, TV segments, blog features, influencer collaborations, and organic social media mentions.

Building authenticity and creating genuine connections, PR offers restaurants a unique way to build trust, loyalty, and a strong brand presence in the competitive market.

Understanding Your Brand and Message

A successful restaurant PR strategy begins with understanding one’s restaurant branding. What story does your restaurant want to tell? 

Maybe it’s the personal story of the restaurant owner, a legacy of delicious food passed down through generations, or an ethos of impeccable service. Regardless, understanding your brand’s core message is key

It’s also essential to better understand your target and intended audience – know what resonates with them, and tailor your brand messaging accordingly.

Strategies for Effective PR in Restaurants

Restaurant public relations - strategies

1. Press Releases: The PR Staple

Press releases have long been an essential tool in the restaurant PR toolbox. Whether announcing a new menu, celebrating an anniversary, or sharing exciting news about the restaurant business, a well-crafted press release can grab the attention of journalists and media outlets.

But it’s not just about writing them—it’s about timing them right and promoting them effectively. Properly distributed press releases can pique the interest of local news outlets, ensuring your restaurant stands out in the bustling food scene.

Example of a restaurant press release:

Restaurant press release example

2. Embrace the Digital Age with Social Media

In the online-centric world, no restaurant PR strategy can overlook the power of restaurant social media marketing. Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter offer restaurants a direct line to their customers. 

But it’s more than just posting pictures of delicious food. Engaging content, strategic collaborations with influencers, and timely responses can elevate a restaurant’s online presence. 

Social media marketing isn’t just about promotion—it’s about building a community and fostering loyalty.

Example of restaurant PR in social media:

Restaurant public relations - social media example

3. Make an Impact with Local Events

Restaurant public relations - event

There’s nothing quite like the buzz generated by a local event. Whether it’s a chef’s special event, a tasting session, or participating in a local food festival, events provide restaurants a chance to showcase what makes them unique. 

Engaging with the local community through events promotes the brand and reinforces its commitment to being an integral part of the community fabric.

4. Collaborations: The Power of Third-Party Endorsements

The saying “two heads are better than one” rings particularly true in restaurant PR. Collaborations with food bloggers, local influencers, or other businesses offer a fresh perspective and a broader reach. 


According to Business News Daily 92% of patrons say they trust recommendations from friends, family, and celebrities.

Being featured by a popular food blogger or getting a shout-out from a local celebrity can propel a restaurant into the limelight, ensuring it captures the attention of potential customers.

Example of restaurant owners’ collaboration in food industry public relations:

Restaurant public relations - collaboration

5. Engage with Media Relations for a Broader Reach

Restaurant public relations - interview recording

Building and nurturing relationships with journalists and media members is paramount in PR. Offering exclusive interviews, hosting media dinners, or sending out regular updates can keep your restaurant on its radar. 

Media relations is not just about getting coverage; it’s about establishing trust, so your restaurant is the first they think of when journalists need a soundbite or opinion from the hospitality industry.

6. Craft a Compelling Brand Story

Every restaurant has a story, be it the journey of the restaurant owner, the inspiration behind the menu, or the history of its location. Sharing this personal story can resonate deeply with customers and the media alike. 

A compelling brand story can differentiate a restaurant in a saturated market, making it memorable and fostering a deeper connection with its audience.

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7. Utilize Paid Media Strategically

While PR often focuses on earned media, there’s undeniable value in blending it with paid restaurant marketing strategies for a comprehensive approach. 

Sponsored posts, partnerships with online platforms, or even traditional advertising can complement PR efforts. The key is ensuring the messaging remains authentic, targeting the intended audience, and seamlessly integrating with the overall PR campaign.

Example of restaurant paid advertising:

Restaurant public relations - McDonald’s billboard advertising

8. Feedback and Crisis Management

Bad restaurant reviews or negative press can impact a business’s reputation overnight. However, effective PR doesn’t shy away from criticism; it addresses it head-on. 

Having a crisis management plan, actively monitoring reviews, and engaging with customers openly can turn a potential PR disaster into an opportunity for growth and re-establishing trust.

9. Collaborating with PR Agencies

For many restaurants, especially those just delving into the world of PR or those looking to upscale their efforts, collaborating with PR agencies can be a game-changer. With its expertise, vast networks, and seasoned PR specialists, a PR agency can craft and execute comprehensive media campaigns tailored to a restaurant’s needs. 

Whether it’s strategizing a new restaurant launch, managing media relations, or orchestrating large-scale events, these agencies provide invaluable insights and resources.

Leveraging the know-how of public relations firms, restaurants can ensure that their brand is presented in the best light, reaching the restaurant target audience effectively and creating lasting impressions.

Unique PR Ideas for Restaurants

  1. Interactive Food Workshops: Host workshops where customers can learn about the origins of your dishes and the techniques involved or even get hands-on experience with cooking. This not only educates but also establishes a deeper bond with your brand.
  2. Pop-Up Collaborations: Partner with local businesses, artists, or other restaurants for limited-time pop-ups. This introduces your cuisine to new audiences and creates a buzz in the community.
  3. Behind-the-Scenes Tours: Offer patrons a sneak peek into your kitchen, introducing them to the chefs and the magic behind creating their favorite dishes.
  4. Loyalty Programs with a Twist: Beyond just discounts, think of rewards like a personalized chef’s table experience, early access to new menus, or even a chance to name a dish.
  5. Exclusive Food Tasting Events: Before launching a new menu, invite your loyal customers, influencers, and local journalists for an exclusive tasting session. Gather feedback and generate pre-launch buzz.
  6. Theme Nights and Cultural Celebrations: Celebrate cultural or local festivals with special menus, décor, and events. For example, host a jazz night, a 1920s-themed dinner, or a local harvest festival celebration.
  7. Sustainability Initiatives: Highlight your restaurant’s efforts towards sustainability, whether sourcing local produce, reducing waste, or other green practices. Host events or campaigns to educate patrons about the importance of sustainability in the food industry.
  8. Personalized Chef Experiences: Offer a service where customers can book the chef for personalized meals, either at the restaurant or at their homes. This can be promoted as a premium, intimate dining experience.
  9. Storytelling through AR/VR: Embrace technology and create augmented or virtual reality experiences, allowing diners to delve deeper into the story of a dish, its ingredients, or the restaurant’s history.
  10. Free Meals for a Cause: Every once in a while, consider offering free meals to specific groups or communities. This could be in appreciation of frontline workers, as a gesture during hard times, or even to those less fortunate.

Key Takeaways

  • Press Releases: A staple in the PR toolkit, effective for announcements and garnering attention from journalists and media outlets.
  • Digital Engagement:The undeniable importance of social media in connecting directly with customers and building online communities. Get inspired by exploring different restaurant social media post ideas.
  • Local Event Participation: Engage with the local community and promote the restaurant brand through events and festivals.
  • Collaborations: Third-party endorsements, be it through influencers or other local businesses, can significantly boost brand visibility.
  • Media Relations: Building trust with journalists ensures the restaurant is a go-to source for insights and comments.
  • Brand Storytelling: Sharing the restaurant’s journey can foster deeper connections with patrons and differentiate the establishment.
  • Blend of Paid and Earned Media: A comprehensive approach to PR involves strategically utilizing both paid advertisements and earned media coverage.
  • Crisis Management: Preparedness for negative reviews or PR issues is essential in maintaining a restaurant’s reputation.
  • PR Agency Partnerships: Tapping into the expertise of PR agencies can streamline efforts and maximize reach.
  • Unique PR Initiatives: Implementing creative PR ideas, like food workshops, pop-ups, and free meal initiatives, can provide a fresh approach to engagement and brand promotion.
Picture of Dominik Bartoszek

Dominik Bartoszek

8+ years Digital Marketer driven by data & AI. Helping restaurants grow more through online orders.

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