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Brewery Business Plan (How to Write & Template)


This blueprint will serve as your navigational tool, charting out essential measures and approaches crucial to your brewery’s success.

In this guide, we will lead you through developing a customized business plan tailored for your brewery venture. With examples and templates, we will offer valuable perspectives on the fundamental elements that your plan should encompass.

What is a Brewery Business Plan?

A brewery business plan is like a roadmap that explains what you want to do with your business. It covers things like your goals, how you’ll run the brewery, and the steps you’ll take to make it successful. It’s a helpful guide to make sure your brewery business goes well.

How to Create a Brewery Business Plan?

Creating brewery business plan

Step 1: Gather Important Information

Before you begin starting a brewery business plan, make sure to think about important details by answering these questions:

  • What makes your brewery special – what’s your unique idea or theme?
  • Who are the people you want to come to your brewery, and what do they like?
  • What other breweries or similar places are around in your area?
  • How will your brewery be set up and designed?
  • What kinds of drinks will you offer, and how much will you charge for them?
  • What do you need regarding staff, equipment, and other things?
  • Are there any licenses, permits, or rules you need to follow?

Step 2: Examine Your Brewery’s Plan

If your brewery is going to have a unique way of doing things, it’s a good idea to check if it will work well before you move forward with your business plan. Tools like the Business Model Canvas can help you look closely at your idea and make sure it’s a good one.

But, if your brewery is going to follow a standard way of doing things in the industry (like a craft brewery, a microbrewery, or a brewpub), then you can go ahead and start creating your business plan.

Step 3: Create a Brewery Business Plan Structure

Follow a ready-made structure to organize your business plan for brewery effectively. This structure should cover sections like:

  • Summary: A short overview of your brewery, highlighting its most important aspects.
  • Business Idea: Explain your brewery’s idea, who your customers will be, and how you compare to other breweries.
  • Types of Brews and Pricing: Describe the different kinds of drinks you’ll make, how much you’ll charge for them, and what makes your brews special.
  • Marketing Plan: Talk about how you’ll promote your brewery to get people interested and coming in.
  • How It Works: Detail where your brewery will be, how it’ll be set up, who will work there, and how it’ll run day-to-day.
  • Money Predictions: Show how much money you think your brewery will make and spend and how profitable it could be.
  • Funding Needs: If you need money to start or grow your brewery, explain how much you need and how you might get it.

Step 4: Keep Reviewing Your Plan

A brewery business plan isn’t something you just write and forget about. It’s a dynamic thing that you should keep coming back to, especially when you’re starting out. Regularly check and update your predictions, assumptions, and strategies to make sure your plan still fits with what you want to do.

As your brewery gets more stable and makes more money than it costs to run, reviewing your business plan at least once a year is wise. This helps you see what you’ve achieved, change your strategies if needed, and plan for growing your brewery even more.

Key Points to Keep in Mind When Creating a Brewery Business Plan:
  1. Clear and Simple Language: Write in a way that’s easy to understand, keeping your plan focused and straightforward.
  2. Numbers Matter: Use facts and figures to make your predictions and estimates more reliable and grounded.
  3. Plan for Challenges: Think about what could go wrong and come up with strategies to help your brewery handle tough times.
  4. Team Involvement: Get your team’s input and think about how to share profits to keep everyone motivated and excited.
  5. Plan for the Future: Remember, your business plan is about what’s ahead, so update it regularly to keep up with changes and new opportunities.

Learn more with our comprehensive guide about how to write a restaurant business plan.

Why Should You Write a Brewery Business Plan?

Brewery bar

Creating a business plan for your brewery offers several compelling reasons that make it an essential step:

  • Bringing Ideas to Life: A microbrewery business plan transforms your ideas into a practical path, guiding you from conceptualization to the actual establishment of your brewery.
  • Strategic Direction: The act of planning encourages you to think strategically about your brewery. It helps you consider important aspects such as layout, equipment, and long-term success, shifting your focus from day-to-day tasks.
  • Testing and Learning: Your business plan allows you to test your assumptions about your brewery’s viability and growth potential. Regular updates turn it into a valuable source of insights that inform your decisions.
  • Turning Vision into Action: A business plan for brewery empowers you to articulate your brewery’s vision and convert it into actionable goals, strategies, and steps.
  • Assessing Viability and Managing Risks: A well-crafted plan helps you evaluate how feasible your brewery idea is and what its chances of success are. By analyzing the market, competition, and financial projections, you can identify risks and make informed decisions to mitigate them.
  • Clarity and Detail: Your brewery business plan requires clear and specific descriptions of various aspects of your operation, such as the types of brews you’ll produce, your marketing approach, and how the brewery will run. This clarity helps you understand your own business better and effectively communicate your vision to others.
  • Measuring Growth: The business plan serves as a benchmark to track your brewery’s progress. Through regular reviews and updates, you can measure achievements, identify areas for improvement, and set new goals.
  • Filling Past Gaps: If you’re already running a brewery without a formal business plan, creating one fills this gap. Whether you’re starting or expanding, every brewery benefits from a plan that provides direction, focus, and a framework for success.

A well-structured brewery business plan validates your ideas, minimizes risks, establishes clear goals, and guides you through the complexities of running a successful brewery. It’s an invaluable tool for both aspiring brewers and established brewery owners.

Brewery Business Plan Template

This brewery business plan example is designed to assist you in transforming your ideas into actionable steps, helping you swiftly outline your start up brewery business plan. By using this template, you’ll be well-prepared to establish your successful brewery. Let’s begin!

Brewery business plan template

Executive Summary

The executive summary encapsulates the essence of your bar business plan and should encompass the key elements:

  • Mission statement, vision, and core values guiding the bar’s identity.
  • A comprehensive portrayal of the bar concept and its distinctive features.
  • A compelling rationale behind the projected success of your idea.
  • Blueprint detailing the execution strategy.
  • In-depth exploration of expenses, earnings, and ROI projections.

Description of the Brewery

This section provides a comprehensive overview of your brewery, highlighting its unique qualities that make it appealing and distinctive. Here are the key components to include:

  1. Mission and Vision: Clearly define the mission behind your brewery’s existence and the larger vision you aim to achieve. Describe the purpose and aspirations that guide your brewery’s decisions and journey.
  2. Business Structure: Specify the legal structure of your brewery, whether it’s a sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, or another form. Detail ownership arrangements and the organizational structure, highlighting key roles and responsibilities.
  3. Brewery Concept: Present an outline of your brewery’s concept, covering the following aspects:
    • Brewery Name: Choose a memorable and fitting name that aligns with your concept and resonates with your target audience.
    • Brewery Type: Define the category or style of your brewery business model, whether it’s a craft beer brewery, microbrewery, brewpub, or any other concept.
    • Location: Describe the specific physical location of your brewery or potential locations you’re considering. Justify your choice by considering factors like foot traffic, accessibility, proximity to your target customers, and competition analysis.
    • Atmosphere and Style: Describe the atmosphere you plan to create within your brewery. Discuss the interior design, lighting, music, decor, and overall ambiance that will contribute to the brewery experience.
  4. Beer Offerings: Specify the types of beers your brewery will produce and provide details about your beer offerings, including:
    • Beer Selection: Clearly outline the styles and types of beers your brewery will specialize in, such as IPAs, stouts, lagers, etc.
    • Sample Beer Menu: Include a sample beer menu showcasing your desired brews. Design the menu layout to engage customers and maximize profitability.
    • Unique Features: Highlight 1-3 distinctive features that set your brewery apart from others. These could include special brewing techniques, unique flavors, themed events, or other innovative elements.

Incorporating these components into the business planning of your brewery, you paint a vivid picture of your concept, enticing potential investors, collaborators, and beer enthusiasts alike.

Market Research and Competition Analysis

Example brewery bar

Market Analysis

Conduct thorough market research to gain insights into the brewery industry and your target customer base. Consider the following aspects:

  1. Target Market: Define the characteristics of your ideal customers, including their age, preferences, beer choices, and drinking habits. Understand what influences their decisions to visit breweries and how your establishment can cater to their preferences.
  2. Market Needs: Identify the specific needs and desires in the market that your brewery aims to fulfill. Explain how your brewery’s concept and offerings align with these needs to provide a unique and satisfying experience.
  3. Audience Size: Estimate the potential size of your customer base in the geographic area you’ll be serving. This estimation helps you understand the market potential and identify opportunities for growth.
  4. Industry Trends: Stay updated on the latest market trends in the brewery industry. Be aware of emerging consumer preferences, technological advancements, and shifts in beer culture to adapt your strategies accordingly.

Competitor Analysis

Thoroughly analyze your competitors to understand their strengths, weaknesses, and strategies. Follow these steps:

  1. List of Competing Breweries: Identify both direct and indirect competitors in your region. Categorize them based on their brewery type, target audience, beer offerings, and positioning.
  2. Revenue and Customers: Estimate your competitors’ revenue potential and customer traffic to gauge their market presence and profitability. This analysis provides insights into the financial landscape of similar breweries.
  3. Beer Selection and Pricing: Evaluate your competitors’ beer menus and pricing strategies. Examine the types of beers they offer, the quality of their brews, pricing structures, and overall offerings. Analyze their pricing relative to their costs to understand their profitability.
  4. Marketing Approaches: Study the marketing efforts and promotional tactics of your competitors. Assess their branding, online presence, advertising, and customer engagement strategies. Identify areas where they excel and areas where they may have weaknesses.
  5. Unique Selling Points: Highlight the distinctive advantages your brewery brings to the table. This could include specialty brews, exceptional customer service, a unique atmosphere, sustainable practices, a prime location, or a particular theme.

By conducting thorough market research and analyzing your competitors, you’ll be better equipped to make informed decisions, refine your strategies, and position your craft business for success in a competitive craft brewery industry.

SWOT Analysis

Conduct a SWOT analysis to identify your brewery’s internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as external opportunities and threats. Present this analysis in a tabular format as follows:


Identify the unique strengths of your brewery, such as exceptional brewing expertise, a welcoming atmosphere, sustainable practices, or a strong brand identity.


Evaluate areas where your brewery might have weaknesses or areas for improvement, such as limited marketing resources, equipment limitations, or potential operational inefficiencies.


Highlight external opportunities that could enhance your brewery’s success, such as growing interest in craft beers, increasing demand for local products, or potential partnerships with local businesses.


Identify potential threats or challenges that could impact your brewery’s performance, such as competition from well-established breweries, changing consumer preferences, economic uncertainties, or regulatory changes.

Conducting a thorough SWOT analysis empowers you to strategically position your brewery, refine your business strategy, and plan a successful path forward. This analysis helps you capitalize on opportunities, stand out from competitors, and develop strategies to navigate potential challenges.

Example SWOT analysis for a brewery

Financial Plan (Cost Analysis)

In this section, you will outline the expenses related to both the initial investment and the financial layout for the first operational year of your brewery. These expenses can be categorized into two main segments: startup costs and ongoing operating costs.

Startup Costs (Initial Expenses)

  • Property Acquisition: Include the costs associated with obtaining a suitable location for your brewery, whether through lease or purchase.
  • Facility Renovation and Adaptation: Account for expenses related to transforming the space into a functional brewery. This includes construction, plumbing, electrical work, and any necessary upgrades.
  • Brewing Equipment: List the essential equipment required for brewing, such as fermenters, kettles, tanks, cooling systems, and other necessary machinery.
  • Furniture and Atmosphere Elements: Cover costs for creating a welcoming environment, including seating, tables, lighting, decor, and any uniforms for your staff.
  • Technology Setup: Detail expenses related to brewery management software, inventory tracking systems, and any computing hardware necessary for your operations.
  • Marketing Initiatives: Include costs for brand development, website creation, labeling and packaging design, promotional materials, and advertising to attract customers.
  • Insurance Coverage: Account for expenses related to insurance coverage for your brewery, equipment, and operations.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Budget for expenses tied to licenses, permits, and any necessary documentation to ensure legal compliance for your brewery.
  • Staff Training: Include costs for training programs and certifications needed for you and your staff, such as brewing techniques, safety protocols, and customer service training.

Ongoing Operating Costs (Monthly Fixed Expenses)

  • Property Rental: If leasing your brewery’s location, include monthly rental expenses as part of your ongoing costs.
  • Utilities: Account for regular utility expenses such as electricity, water, and gas needed to operate your brewery.
  • Employee Wages: Calculate wages or salaries for your brewery staff, including brewers, servers, and any other team members.
  • Ingredients and Supplies: Estimate ongoing costs for purchasing ingredients, brewing materials, and other necessary supplies.
  • Equipment Maintenance: Include regular maintenance and repair costs for brewing equipment, cooling systems, and machinery.
  • Service Fees: Budget for fees associated with services like equipment maintenance, software subscriptions, and any commissions for distribution.
  • Employee Benefits: Account for expenses related to employee benefits, including health insurance, retirement plans, and other perks.
  • Marketing Budget: Allocate funds for ongoing marketing efforts, including online and offline advertising, social media management, and brewery events.
  • Taxes and Fees: Incorporate projected tax obligations and other fees required for compliance with legal regulations.

Regularly updating and reviewing these costs will help you maintain financial accuracy and effectively manage your brewery’s cash flow. You can ensure your brewery’s financial stability and success by thoroughly understanding and planning for startup expenses and ongoing operational costs.

Financial Forecast

The financial forecast for your brewery comprises three essential components: the projected Income Statement, the break-even analysis, and the sensitivity analysis.

Projected Income Statement

The projected Income Statement illustrates your brewery’s expected revenue and expenses over a specified period. It provides insights into your brewery’s anticipated financial performance and profitability. 

Key elements include:

  1. Revenue Generation: Estimate projected revenue by considering beer variety, target customers, expected sales volume, and pricing strategy.
  2. Cost of Goods Sold (COGS): Calculate costs associated with brewing ingredients, materials, and packaging needed for your beer offerings. This helps establish the gross profit margin.
  3. Gross Profit: Determine the gross profit by subtracting COGS from revenue. This represents the amount available to cover operating costs.
  4. Operating Expenses: Include fixed and variable costs like rent, utilities, employee salaries, marketing expenditures, insurance, maintenance, and other operational expenses.
  5. Net Profit/Loss: Calculate the net profit or loss by subtracting total operating expenses from gross profit. This figure reflects your brewery’s overall profitability.

Brewery projected profit and loss example

Break-even Analysis

The break-even analysis is a crucial metric that identifies the point where your brewery’s total revenue matches its total expenses, resulting in neither profit nor loss. It reveals the number of beer sales required to cover costs. 

Consider the following factors:

  • Fixed Costs: List all fixed costs, including rent, utilities, insurance, and other consistent outlays, regardless of sales volume.
  • Variable Costs: Calculate variable costs associated with each beer brewed, such as ingredients, packaging, and direct labor costs.
  • Contribution Margin: Compute the contribution margin, which represents the remaining revenue after subtracting variable costs from sales. This margin helps cover fixed costs and generate profit.
  • Break-even Point: Divide total fixed costs by the contribution margin to determine the number of beers you need to sell to reach the break-even point.

Sensitivity Analysis

The sensitivity analysis enables you to understand how changes in critical variables, such as sales volume or pricing, can impact your brewery’s revenue and profitability. Consider scenarios like a significant decrease in sales and analyze the resulting effects on your financials.

Brewery sensitivity analysis example

You gain valuable insights into your brewery’s financial health and profit potential by utilizing these three components—the projected Income Statement, break-even analysis, and sensitivity analysis. 

Regularly reviewing and updating these forecasts allows you to monitor real-world performance and make informed decisions that steer your brewery toward sustained success.

Brewery Team


The founders of your brewery hold a significant role in shaping its direction, strategy, and overall success. This section is particularly important if you’re seeking investors or partners. Provide the following information:

  • Founder Profiles: Introduce each founder involved in your brewery venture, including their names and roles.
  • Expertise: Highlight each founder’s relevant expertise and skills in the brewing industry. Detail their backgrounds, qualifications, and insights contributing to the brewery’s success. Mention any notable achievements or experiences from their past endeavors.

Staff Members

The staff you hire are crucial for your brewery’s daily operations and success. Identify the key roles necessary for smooth operations and categorize them into specific positions. Provide the following details:

  1. Job Positions: List the various job positions essential for your brewery, such as brewers, cellar operators, taproom staff, management team, event coordinators, and maintenance personnel.
  2. Responsibilities: Clearly outline the specific responsibilities associated with each job position. Describe the expectations for each role, covering tasks related to brewing, quality control, customer service, event planning, maintenance, and any other relevant duties.
  3. Compensation: Specify the compensation for each position, including details about salaries, wages, tips, bonuses, incentives, or any additional benefits offered to your staff.
  4. Employment Details: Specify the type of employment arrangement for each staff member, whether full-time, part-time, or seasonal. Address any legal or regulatory requirements relevant to employment agreements in your location.

Also, consider the need for training and development programs for your staff. Identify any necessary training to ensure proficiency and knowledge in their respective roles. Include the associated training costs in your brewery business plan.

By showcasing the expertise of founders and outlining the roles and responsibilities of your staff members, you present a capable and committed team ready to contribute to the ongoing success of your brewery.

Brewery Marketing Strategy & Plan

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Developing a robust marketing plan is essential to enhance the visibility and appeal of your brewery to potential customers. Your plan should incorporate the following key elements:

  • Brand Establishment: Create a distinctive brand identity featuring a logo, color scheme, and a captivating tagline encapsulating your brewery’s essence.
  • Online Presence: Build a professional brewery website to showcase your facility, beer offerings, and events. Offer online reservation options and consider collaborating with third-party delivery services.
  • Creative Customer Experience: Explore innovative ideas like beer-tasting events, brewery tours, themed nights, and loyalty programs to enhance customer experiences and foster brand loyalty.
  • Local Engagement: Utilize local promotions, community events, partnerships with local businesses, and press coverage to attract customers from the surrounding area.
  • Digital Engagement: Leverage the power of social media platforms, restaurant SEO strategies, Google Maps visibility, email marketing, SMS campaigns, blogging, and targeted online advertisements to connect with customers in the digital realm.
  • Promotional Campaigns: Introduce special promotions, discounts, and limited-time offers to entice customers and continuously assess their effectiveness.
  • Unique Competitive Advantage: In a competitive brewery landscape, emphasize your distinctive strengths, whether it’s your unique beer recipes, sustainability practices, or exclusive events.

By implementing a comprehensive marketing plan, you can increase your brewery’s presence, cultivate a loyal customer base, and drive business growth. 

Stay attuned to customer feedback and industry trends, allowing you to tailor and refine your strategies for optimal results.

Key Takeaways

  • Define Your Brewery Identity: Your plan should vividly articulate your brewery’s identity, including its vision, beer offerings, ambiance, target audience, and unique features.
  • Essential Components: Ensure your business plan comprehensively covers key elements such as an executive summary for restaurant, brewery description, market research, financial projections, team composition, marketing strategy, and competitive advantages.
  • Ongoing Planning: Whether launching a new brewery or refining an existing one, the process of creating or updating your business plan remains essential. Regularly review and adjust your plan to align with changing market dynamics, industry trends, and customer preferences.
  • Seek Expert Advice: While maintaining ownership of your brewery plan is crucial, seeking advice from experienced brewers or industry experts can provide valuable insights and refine your concepts.
  • Regular Evaluation: Make it a practice to revisit your business plan regularly, especially during the initial phases of your brewery. As your brewery grows, conduct annual reviews to assess progress and make necessary adjustments.
  • A Living Document: Keep in mind that a business plan is a dynamic tool that guides effective brewery management. Maximize its impact by continuously adapting your plan based on real-world experiences and market feedback.
Picture of Dominik Bartoszek

Dominik Bartoszek

8+ years Digital Marketer driven by data & AI. Helping restaurants grow more through online orders.

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