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10 Best Food Ads (Food Advertisements Examples)


Food advertisements play a significant role in our culinary experiences every day. They have the power to make our mouths water, ignite our cravings, and influence our dining choices. 

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the “10 Best Food Ads.” 

These ads are more than just visuals; they are prime examples of how food advertising can be compelling and effective. From tempting visuals to engaging storytelling, we’ll explore how these advertisements excel in capturing our attention and leaving a lasting impact on our culinary preferences.

What are Food ads?

Food advertising is highly effective at generating sales.

Food advertisements for restaurants are advertisements created by restaurants and eateries to promote their culinary offerings, attract customers, and boost sales. These advertisements come in various forms and can be distributed through multiple channels, both online and offline.

  • Print Ads:These are traditional advertisements that appear in newspapers, magazines, brochures, and local directories. They often feature high-quality images of the restaurant’s dishes and may include information about the restaurant’s location, hours of operation, and contact details.
  • Outdoor Advertising: Billboards, banners, and posters strategically placed in high-traffic areas can capture the attention of passersby and entice them to visit the restaurant. Outdoor ads often feature mouthwatering images of signature dishes.
  • Online Ads: In the digital age, online restaurant advertising is crucial. This includes ads on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, as well as display ads on websites and search engine advertising (e.g., Google Ads). Online ads can be highly targeted to reach specific demographics and locations.
  • Restaurant Email Marketing: Restaurants can use email marketing to send promotions, special offers, and newsletters to their subscribers. These emails often include appetizing images and exclusive deals to encourage repeat visits.
  • Television Commercials: TV commercials provide restaurants with an opportunity to showcase their food visually and create memorable jingles or catchphrases. These ads can be particularly effective for larger restaurant chains.
  • Radio Ads: Radio ads can convey the ambiance, cuisine, and special promotions of a restaurant through audio storytelling. They can be especially effective when paired with appealing sound effects or music.
  • Social Media Marketing: Restaurants maintain active profiles on social media platforms to share images of their dishes, engage with customers, and run contests or giveaways. User-generated content and reviews also play a significant role in social media marketing for restaurants.

Effective food ads for restaurants should not only highlight the food’s visual appeal but also convey the restaurant’s unique atmosphere, cuisine, and value proposition. Whether through traditional print media or the digital realm, these advertisements aim to create a connection with potential diners and drive them to visit the restaurant to savor its culinary delights.

How can Digital Food Advertisements Benefit Restaurants?

 Food advertisement examples like this one effectively link pop culture references to food.

A great food advertisement can offer a multitude of benefits to restaurants, helping them attract new customers, retain existing ones, and ultimately boost their revenue. Here are some ways food advertising can help your business :

  • Increased Visibility: Digital advertisements can reach a vast online audience, increasing a restaurant’s visibility beyond its physical location. This exposure can lead to greater brand recognition and a broader customer base.
  • Targeted Marketing: Digital advertising platforms allow restaurants to target specific demographics, locations, interests, and behaviors. This precision ensures that ads are shown to individuals who are more likely to be interested in the restaurant’s offerings.
  • Cost-Effective: Compared to traditional advertising methods, digital advertising can be more cost-effective. Restaurants can set budgets that align with their marketing goals, ensuring efficient spending on campaigns.
  • Real-Time Analytics: Digital ads provide valuable data and analytics in real-time. Restaurants can track metrics such as click-through rates, conversions, and customer engagement, allowing them to measure the effectiveness of their campaigns and make data-driven improvements.
  • Increased Online Orders: For restaurants offering delivery or takeout services, digital ads can drive online orders. With features like “Order Now” buttons integrated into an online ordering system for restaurants, customers can place orders directly from the ad, streamlining the process and increasing sales.
  • Enhanced Engagement: Engaging digital ads can encourage customers to interact with the restaurant’s social media profiles, website, or mobile app. This engagement can lead to increased follower counts, reviews, and word-of-mouth referrals.
  • Seasonal Promotions: Digital ads can be quickly adapted to promote seasonal or limited-time menu items, special offers, and events. This flexibility enables restaurants to stay relevant and capitalize on trends.
  • Customer Loyalty: Digital advertising can be used to nurture and retain existing customers. By sharing exclusive discounts, loyalty rewards, and personalized offers via restaurant loyalty software, restaurants can foster customer loyalty and repeat business.

10 Best Food Advertising Examples

Creative food ads are more likely to make an impact on potential clients.

Ads are everywhere, from TV and radio to social media and streaming services. But what makes a food ad really stand out? The best ads are the ones that make us hungry, crave the food they’re advertising, and even leave us wanting to visit the restaurant itself.

In this section, we’ll take a look at some of the best ads from restaurants. These ads are creative, funny, and effective, and they’re sure to make you hungry for some delicious food.

1. Burger King

One of Burger King’s best ads is the “Moldy Whopper” ad from 2017. The ad shows a Whopper burger sitting on a counter for 34 days, slowly decaying and growing mold. The ad ends with the tagline “The beauty of no artificial preservatives.”

The ad is so good because it is simple, straightforward, and effective. It shows the viewer what happens to a Whopper burger made with fresh ingredients without artificial preservatives, and it does so in a way that is both visually appealing and repulsive.

Restaurants can learn a lot from the “Moldy Whopper” ad, including:

  • Being transparent about the ingredients in your food.
  • Focusing on using fresh and natural ingredients whenever possible.
  • Creating ads that are visually appealing and that make viewers hungry.
  • Using humor and creativity in your ads.
  • Targeting your ads to the right audience.

2. Pizza Hut

This food advertisement is a perfect example of how to incorporate humor into marketing

One of Pizza Hut’s best food ads is the “No One OutPizzas the Hut” campaign from the 1990s. The campaign features a series of TV commercials that show people from all over the world trying to outpizza Pizza Hut, but failing.

The ads are also effective because they tap into the consumer’s love of pizza. Pizza is one of the most popular foods in the world, and people love to see it advertised in creative and funny ways.

Restaurants can learn a lot from the “No One OutPizzas the Hut” campaign, including:

  • Being confident in your product.
  • Use humor and creativity in your ads.
  • Use high-quality video and photography.
  • Going with a restaurant slogan.

3. Taco Bell

Fast food advertising examples like this one show how brands working with communities for the betterment of society can grow their reach.

One of Taco Bell’s best ads is the “Live Más” campaign from 2012. The campaign features a series of TV commercials that show people from all walks of life living their lives to the fullest. The ads are set to upbeat music and have a positive and empowering message.

The ads are so good because they are relatable and inspiring. They show viewers that they can live their lives to the fullest, no matter who they are or what they do. The ads also tap into the consumer’s desire to be happy and to have fun.

Here are some tips for restaurants that want to create effective ads similar to this one:

  • Use eye-catching visuals
  • Highlight your unique selling proposition (USP). 
  • Tell a story. What was your inspiration for starting your business? For your dishes?

4. McDonald’s

A food ad doesn’t necessarily need to be a physical ad, and large food companies like McDonalds have this down. Great food advertisements can include a special offer, visual storytelling, high quality photos, and of course marketing strategies. 

McDonalds does this perfectly via their restaurant email marketing campaigns. With email marketing, they’re in charge of the food ad design, thus creating engaging content that gets people talking and taking part in the offer. Here’s what restaurant owners can learn from McDonalds:

  • Restaurant marketing tools drive sales
  • Limited time offers or new dishes are great examples of what to promote
  • Email marketing allows you to create creative ads, your way
  • Grow with the food industry by using advanced marketing tools 

5. KFC

Food advertising can not only be funny, but also tell a story, which helps gain the trust of clients.

Almost everyone who enjoys fast food is familiar with KFC’s slogan “Finger Lickin’ Good”, but that’s just the tip of KFC’s branding. Food advertisers often take inspiration from KFC’s funny and sometimes outrageous food ad designs and marking tactics. 

But what makes them stand out from other food brands? Their ingenious way of combining humor with their ads, as seen above. Their food advertisements often portray one of many actors taking on the role of Colonel Sanders (the founder of KFC) in outrageous and over-the-top settings. 

But what can restaurant owners learn from this form of advertising?

  • Great digital food advertisements need to be memorable
  • Depending on the type of food business, creating humorful ads can be beneficial
  • Getting creative with food advertisements can lead to more sales
  • Food advertising on social media can get your offers seen by more clients

6. Panera Bread

Panera Bread is a great example of how combining food advertisements with restaurant loyalty software creates buzz and drives sales. Great digital food advertisements don’t necessarily have to be limited to a website or social media. 

Panera Bread gets the word out about their latest offers right on their loyalty app. This makes food advertisements unique because they’re right at the customers’ fingertips. That means no need to create expensive PR campaigns – instead, the target audience can take advantage of the offer right on their phones.

Why should restaurant owners take advantage of this?

  • Loyalty programs can significantly increase sales
  • They allow restaurant owners to directly reach their customers
  • Food advertising is direct and doesn’t get lost
  • Customers enjoy the convenience of receiving you

7. Wendy’s

The best food ads are ones that focus on what makes the brand stand out.

Wendy’s ads on their website are known for being visually appealing, informative, and engaging. They often feature close-up shots of the food, which is presented in a way that makes it look delicious. 

The ads also use bright colors and bold fonts to grab the viewer’s attention, and they often incorporate humor and pop culture references to make them more relatable. Additionally, Wendy’s ads always have a clear call to action, such as “Visit our website to order now!” through their online ordering system for restaurants.

Here are some things restaurant owners can learn from Wendy’s ads:

  • Focus on the food. Your ads should showcase your food in the best possible light. Use high-quality photos and videos to show off your delicious dishes.
  • Use humor and pop culture references. Your ads should be funny and relatable. Use humor and pop culture references to connect with your target audience.
  • Have a clear call to action. Your ads should always tell your customers what you want them to do next. Tell them to visit your website, download your restaurant mobile app, or order your food online.

8. Domino’s Pizza

A food advertisment needs to have a purpose.

Domino’s Pizza has recently taken food advertising to a whole new level. Their actionable audio ad campaign is a groundbreaking initiative that is changing the way people order food. By running ads on smart speakers, Domino’s is making it possible for customers to order food with just a few spoken words.

This is a major convenience for customers, especially when they’re busy or doing other things. For example, a customer can order a pizza from Domino’s while they’re cooking dinner, or while they’re getting ready for work.

To make their ads even more actionable, Domino’s has partnered with Amazon and Google to create custom voice commands. This means that customers can simply say “Alexa, order a pizza from Domino’s” or “Ask Google to order a burger from us” and their order will be placed. From this, restaurant owners can learn:

  • To target the right audience. Who are you trying to reach with your ads? Tailor your messaging and targeting to your target audience’s interests and needs.
  • To highlight your unique selling proposition. What makes your restaurant different from the competition? What are your signature dishes? Make sure to highlight your unique selling proposition in your ads.
  • To test and measure results. Test different ad campaigns and measure your results to determine what’s working and what’s not.

9. Chick-Fil-A

Food advertisement examples like this one convey a message that encourages potential clients to order meals from that specific business.

Unlike other brands and food manufacturers, Chick-Fil-A has a very unique form of food advertising, as seen above. Instead of promoting a special offer or a new menu item, they often resort to creating humorful banners and ads, encouraging customers to order chicken-based meals and not beef.

Chick-Fil-A is a brand most Americans are familiar with, and as a result, the brand can focus on humorful ads, rather than promoting their latest deal and menu items. Restaurant owners can learn a number of things from such ads, including:

  • Strong focus on branding. Restaurant owners should focus on developing their brand so that it becomes a household name.
  • Storytelling. Creative ads have to tell a story – anything from what inspired your menu, to the main theme in your restaurant.
  • Your Unique selling point. What makes you stand out? Your unique food combinations? Your restaurant’s interior design? Or something else? It’s these things that get you noticed.

10. Starbucks

Food advertisement examples like this one show a limited time offer that customers don’t want to miss out on.

Starbucks is renowned for their seasonal ad campaigns. In fact, they’re one of the main brands that spearheaded the pumpkin spice craze that so many brands began to follow. But what about their ads?

Starbucks advertises on almost every platform – social media, website, loyalty program app, billboards, you name it. But what they advertise is limited-time offers, most of which are seasonal, which draw in crowds of customers who’ve been anticipating the return of their favorite menu items.

Restaurant owners can definitely take a few pointers from Starbucks, including: 

  • Trying limited time offers. Ad placement is important, but so are the details within. With limited time offers, customers have a fear of missing out, and as a result, they’re more likely to order.
  • Sharing ads on all channels. Reaching your clients just via Facebook is no longer a viable option. Instead, share your latest offers on all of your business’ social media accounts, website, ordering app, and via restaurant SMS marketing and email marketing.
  • Getting colorful. Make sure your ad features pop with seasonal colors and creative designs to get your clients interested in what you have to offer. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Food advertisements can be effective for restaurants. In fact, food advertising is a billion-dollar industry. Restaurants use a variety of advertising methods to reach their target audience, including television commercials, print ads, social media ads, and point-of-sale displays.

A food ad can be effective for restaurants because they can:
  • Increase brand awareness: A food ad can help to make people aware of your restaurant and its offerings. This is especially important for new restaurants or restaurants that are trying to expand their reach.
  • Drive traffic to your restaurant: Food advertisements can encourage people to visit your restaurant. This is especially true if your ads are well-targeted and appeal to your target audience.
  • Increase sales: Ads can increase sales by making people more likely to order food and drinks at your restaurant. 
However, it is important to note that food advertising is not a guarantee of success. Even the best ads will not be effective if your restaurant does not offer high-quality food and service.

Food marketing encompasses various strategies and tactics to promote food products, restaurants, and culinary experiences. Here are five examples of food marketing:

  • Social Media Campaigns: Many food businesses utilize social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to showcase their dishes, engage with customers, and build a following. 
  • Content Marketing: Content marketing involves creating valuable and informative content related to food, recipes, nutrition, or culinary experiences. This can take the form of food blogs, articles, videos, or podcasts that educate and entertain the audience while subtly promoting the brand’s products or services.
  • Influencer Partnerships: Collaborating with food influencers or bloggers who have a significant online presence can be a powerful marketing strategy. Influencers create content featuring the brand’s products or visiting the restaurant, reaching their dedicated followers and potentially generating buzz.
  • Email Marketing: Restaurants and food brands often use email marketing to stay in touch with their customer base. They send out newsletters with updates on menu changes, special offers, or upcoming events.
  • Loyalty Programs: Implementing loyalty programs or rewards systems can encourage customer retention. These programs offer incentives such as discounts, free items, or exclusive access to frequent customers. 

Ads are so powerful because they appeal to our basic needs, use sensory language and imagery, and create positive associations. Food is essential for survival, so food advertisements tap into our primal desire for nourishment. For example, a food ad might show a happy family enjoying a meal together, or a group of friends having fun at a barbecue. 

They often use vivid language and imagery to evoke our senses of taste, smell, sight, and touch. For example, a food ad might describe the food as being “delicious,” “mouth-watering,” or “irresistible.”

Ads often associate food with positive emotions such as happiness, comfort, and togetherness. For example, a food ad might show a child laughing while eating a bowl of cereal, or a couple enjoying a romantic dinner together.

Picture of Juliusz Dzierlatka

Juliusz Dzierlatka

Digital content creator with +7 years experience in marketing, helping restaurants streamline daily operations.

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